They Kissed You For The First Time + Kagami

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A/N- I apologize for not taking any of your suggestions ;-; please forgive me. But also, I apologize for not posting for a week or so. I tried to write as much as I can but I barely got breaks so I couldn't do it as much. I really wanted to post this on time for 300K and I see that I've failed at that. Thank you to those who were very patient with me. I'm usually not this slow. I've been in a slump and with basketball, school, and personal matters, it was kinda hard to write. But hey, I did it :)

Once again,no apologize and please enjoy this part and thank you for 300K!!


Akashi Seijuro

The sound of piano softly resonated through the elaborate and bright ballroom as you followed Akashi's steps as he lead you in the dance. Out of all the events his father made him attend, this would have to be his favorite. For once, he was truly happy with the person in front of him. He didn't want all those girls who danced with him before. Snobby and downright intolerable. But as for you, you made him feel like his footsteps were treading on clouds.

Although you were both the youngest couple in the room, you both still captivated everyone's attention. No words were exchanged between the two of you, only smiles. Before Chopin's Op.9 No.2 ended, he firmly but gently pulled you closer and connected his lips to yours. You smiled softly into the kiss. People stared in adoration at the display of young love that was playing out in front of them. Akashi pulled away and whispered in your ear:

"There's many more to come, my love,"

[I love classical music okay]

Aomine Daiki

[i got his idea bc I got hit with a basketball during practice :')]

It all happened so quickly. You just dove in to steal the ball, but instead it ended up colliding hard on your face, mainly your nose. You immediately brought your hand up to inspect your nose, only to wince at the throbbing pain. Tears of pain fell from your eyes as you were guided to the bench to cool down. When the coach had asked if you were okay, you just agreed and held your water bottle up to your nose. Concerned, your coach sent you to the infirmary to inspect it for any growing bruises. You followed their orders and walked to the infirmary while caressing your injured nose and wiping away any snot and tears.

"[F/N]?" A familiar voice called to you. You looked up and saw your boyfriend, his hands casually stuffed in his pockets. His expression became worried as he saw your injury and your tears. Aomine hated it when you were hurt or crying.

"What happened? Are you okay? Who hurt you?" He interrogated and reached out to feel your face. You pushed his hand back gently and shook your head.

"I-I'm okay. I just got h-hit. I-It was an accident," you hiccuped out. Seeing that your nose was reddening by the second, Aomine decided to accompany you to the infirmary.

When you both got there, Aomine gave you an ice pack while he wiped away your tears. Usually he would never take care of anyone like this, or even bother to look their way. But of course, you were different and obviously important to him.

"This is why you gotta be careful [F/N]. What if next time it's serious! You're just lucky that it's only swollen," he scolded. He knew basketball was a rough contact sport and you would get hurt, but he still got worried.

Aomine took your ice pack and decided to move it in a different position and held it there. He didn't notice how mesmerized he was by your eyes. Though they were tear filled and a bit red, he couldn't stop himself from staring. You decided to surprise him by leaning in and crashing your lips on his, closing your eyes tightly to shut out your embarassment.

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