New Beginnings [Hayama Kotaro x Reader]

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I've always took care of him.

Ever since we were little kids, I've always been there to take care of him. When he fell and hurt himself, when he would need help on schoolwork, and many other ways.

He still has that skateboard that I bought him for his 12th birthday. Even up until high school he still used it, despite it being all chipped and used over the years. He still played basketball with a smile, especially whenever he saw me.

He's always been the guy that made me smile, and quite frankly made almost everyone smile. He's always been the guy that smiled at almost everyone, acted like a ball of sunshine, and still as childish (which was quite adorable).

I loved Hayama Kotaro and I still do to this very day, even if after the arms of death embraces us both. I love the way my name would leave his mouth and the countless teases and nicknames he'd give me. He made me happy and made sure my face never donned a frown, for he hated how gloomy I looked and would rather see me genuinely smiling everyday.

I was never sure if he loved me back. I never thought of myself as his type. I mean, I'm just an awkward person. And he's outgoing, and cheerful, and loud. People have always commented on how cute we looked together, and oh how I wish it was true.

And eventually, it did.

Hayama asked me to be his in our second year of high school.

"I don't just want to make you happy as a friend. I want to be able to make you smile when I tell you I love you! So, how about it [F/N]-chan? Would you be my girlfriend?"

I almost cried tears of joy when he as said that. I didn't answer him, instead I hugged him tightly, and ever since, my love and support only grew.

We graduated from Rakuzan together and were both planning on attending the same college, and luckily, we both passed our exams and got accepted.

College was no different. It was just like high school all over again. We teased each other and were acting like a lovey high school couple.

I've been with him all my life, but I have never thought of who's "the one". Not until college graduation. I remember looking at him with his diploma, talking with the rest of his friends from our graduating class. After he had finished talking to them, he talked with me. He looked down at me with the same eyes and emotion he's always had ; love, passion, childishness, and suppport.

"From here on out, we're legal adults and free to make our own choices. It's a new beginning for us," he smiled.

"And there will be new beginnings in the future,"

I only chuckled and raised a brow when I heard that.

What did he mean? I thought. I often pondered on what he had said. I was a curious person and often found myself thinking on what he meant.

Then on a snowy and fresh winter day, I found out. Hayama had always known I was fond of the snowy weather. How we would both try to eat the snow when we were little, and up to how refreshing it felt as a high school and college student who was always heated and fuming with stress.

He had taken me I've ice skating at the rink, holding my hand as we both glided through the pristine sheet of ice. Hayama looked intently at me and I asked him what he was looking at me for.

"I'm looking at the girl who's going to be my future wife!" He exclaimed with a smile. I still remember very well that my mouth hung open in surprise as I stuttered out a 'what?'.

"[F/N]-chan, ever since we were little, you've always taken care of me, despite how rowdy I was. You have stuck by my side and you were the source of my smiles and laughs every single day of my life. I've loved you ever since we were in middle school and still love you now. I've always wondered what people meant when they said that they found 'the one'. I used to not understand how people would want to spend the rest of their lives with one person. Not until I realized it myself that you're the one. I want to be able to wake up everyday to you face, I want to hear your voice call me out every day of my life, and most of all, I want to make you been happier than you've made me, to repay how much you've cared for me all these years. So how about it [F/N]-chan? Will you marry me?" He grinned, holding the ring out. I nearly tackled him to the ground while sobbing a yes into his chest.

And that, was our new beginning.


"....and that kids, is how I met and married your dad," you smiled sincerely at your eight year old daughter and six year old son, who had the same sparkling eyes as Hayama. A heavy weight bounced on the couch behind you, as you looked behind your shoulder on who was wrapping their arms around you.

"Are you telling them the story again, [F/N]-chan?" Your husband mused happily.

"Wow, mom and dad really love each other huh," your daughter commented.

"Yes we do!" Hayama answered her, attacking you with kisses.

"Alright alright, it's time for the both of you to go to bed," you said, guiding them both to their rooms. After setting them to sleep, you returned to Hayama.

"They never get tired of that story," you said to Hayama with a smile.

"Of course they wouldn't. What makes it fun is that our story is still going!" You laughed and nodded as you felt his strong arms wrap around you again.

"Our lives are still full of new beginnings, [F/N]-chan, and I'm lucky that I'm going to be spending them with you," Hayama mused.

You placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him down and kissed him on the lips. You stared back at his eyes and smiled.



A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope I will be able to pump out chapters for my other four (or at least two) stories this week!

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