Irreplaceable [Himuro Tatsuya x Reader]

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Having Himuro as your boyfriend came with many perks. He was good looking, smart, polite, and always sweet and protective. You loved that you were both together, as did he, but there was one thing about your relationship that bugged you.

Himuro had many fangirls of all ages that were infatuated with the ebony haired male. Even when he politely rejected them and said that he already belonged to you, they still continued to go after him, causing you to be jealous.

Most of time in school, you didn't see each other much since you both had completely different class schedules, so before school, after school, and lunch were your only times to see him. Your boyfriend had many admirers in any grade, a lot of them confessing every week. Some of these girls had the nerve to flirt with your boyfriend, whether you were around him or not. They didn't care. A lot of them even tried to hook up with him. And you know that you could trust him about dealing with it, but guys get tempted with many things, and you had suspicions.


It was like any other day in Yosen. You were currently delivering the Winter Cup sheet to the basketball team, since their manager had asked you to take it there because they had something else to do. It's not like you were doing anything much anyways, so you agreed. 

When you walked into the gym, you saw the basketball team practicing as usual. Then your eyes directed themselves to the obvious group of girls on the far side of the gym. You walked on a bit closer, and saw HImuro in the center, smiling at the girls. Then you saw him accept a letter from one of the girls, followed by many others. You also overheard some of them trying to ask him out, despite knowing that he was already taken. 

'Of course. Like always.' you thought as you rolled your eyes. Sighing, you walked over to the coach and handed her the sheet. She thanked you for bringing the sheet over then went back to coaching the team. When you were about to leave, the purple haired center approached you. 

"Hey [F/N]-chin." he greeted. You turned around at the sound of the familiar voice and smiled at him.

"Oh hi Atsushi! Did you need to tell me something?" you asked him, Himuro's face becoming alert when he heard your voice and saw you with Murasakibara.

"Are you still going to that new sweets shop with me that's opening up on Saturday?" He questioned you in a childlike tone. Himuro's dark eyes narrowed in slight anger and jealously as he hated the way he asked you as if asking you on a date. He knew that Murasakibara would never really ask you on a date since Himuro was his friend, but you were Murasakibara's friend as well. Himuro let out a small, almost unheard growl as he saw you smile up at the childish center and said,

"Of course I'll go with you! Just us, right?" you asked. Himuro clenched his teeth together, as jealousy just kept on consuming him. 

"How about Muro-chin?" he asked. 

"Nah it's okay if it's just us. He's probably busy with his 'secret' admirers or whatever. But I guess I'm used to it." You sighed out in the end as Himuro's face softened, guilt washing over him. He hadn't noticed that he ignored he girls in front of him, until one of them said something that captured his attention. 

"Himuro-kun! Why don't you date me instead! I could be so much better for you than the girl you're dating! So-" 

"I'm sorry but..." Himuro said in a stern voice loud enough for you to hear. You turned your head and looked at the handsome black haired male. Then you saw him walking towards you. 

"What do you want-" he cut you off with a kiss on the lips in front of the girls as he pulled away and finished his sentence.

"I can assure you that the only girl I would ever want to date is this beauty right here." He said pointing to you, making you blush.

"And no one could be better than her or replace her." Himuro finished off.

A/N- I'm sorry if that was bad guys! 

See you next update!

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