Affair [Kise Ryouta x Reader]

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The door to your apartment clicked open as you entered and dropped your bag on the floor and walked tiredly to the bedroom you and Kise shared together. But lately, it's only been occupied by you since he was in somewhere else in Japan for an important photo shoot, being a model and all. You let gravity take over as you as you plopped onto the soft bed, drifting off from a long day of work. You didn't bother to call Kise since sleepiness overtook you completely.

The following morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone constantly ringing it's alarm tune. Groaning, you brought your hand over to stop the alarm. You sat up on the bed then you walked outside to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

After eating breakfast, you got changed and were ready to leave since you had to help a friend with something, until your best friend texted you. You opened up the text message and ran your eyes through the words.

'[F/N]-chan...I have to talk to you about Kise. Have you seen the news this morning?' she sent as you could feel the amount of caution and worry in the text.

'News? No, I had to do other stuff. Why?' you replied, anxiously waiting for her answer.

'[F/N]-chan, I'm sorry but, he's cheating on you.' she replied as you started to freak out internally. Wanting to verify if she was serious, you turned on the tv and flipped to one of the channels. You felt your heart stop as you saw the picture of your blonde headed boyfriend kissing another girl, who you assumed to be a model.

"No no no no, please tell me that's someone else that just looks like Ryouta." you pleaded to the tv. Then the woman started to lay down the news.

'Last night, the famous model Kise Ryouta was spotted kissing the model Asami Hikari in public after they had finished their photo shoot. Some sources have said that these two have had a affair for some time now. Are they finally going to show that sources were true and reveal themselves as a couple to the public eye? We will find out soon enough, once we get some answers tonight at the conference the two are attending.' she finished and droned on, as you stared at the tv while hot tears were falling from your eyes. You have trusted him with all your heart, and he even promised you that he'd only love you. Obviously, you were wrong.

After some time of thinking on what you should do, you decided to break up with him. No use in dating a cheater right? For now, you have kindly asked if you could crash at your best friend's place for the time being. She/he kindly accepted and you took out boxes that were lying around in the apartment and began to pack up your stuff, already beginning to leave him. You didn't bother to tell Kise, for he'd be home that night. If you were going to leave him, might as well do it in person.


9:30 PM


Once Kise saw the many reports in the news about his affair with the female model he just worked with, he very well knew that he fcked up badly. He was hoping you didn't find out yet, but he was only lying to himself.

Kise decided to ditch the conference and head back over to your guy's apartment to apologize to you.


Once he had reached the apartment, he immediately opened the door with a racing heart. His eyes widened in fear as he saw you packing your belongings into a box and taping it closed.

"[F/N]-cchi please-"

"Don't call me that." you cut him off sharply, making him flinch.

"Please don't leave me, I'm begging you. I know I messed up, but please, I love you so much, don't leave me.." he pleaded as you suddenly turned around with your fists clenched at your sides and an angry expression etched on your face.

"Love me? *scoff* don't make me laugh Kise. If you loved me, you wouldn't cheat on me, but look what just happened. Kasamatsu-senpai was right. I couldn't trust a person like you. If you didn't want me to leave, maybe you shouldn't have cheated. I never knew dating you was going to be one of the worst decisions I've ever made if it was going to end like this." you blurted out honestly, reverting back to his last name.

"Please, I'll do anything for you to stay, just don't leave! You're the most important person-" he said, holding onto your hand.

"No, I'm not. You're only saying that because you know I'm going to leave you over a huge mistake you've made." you argues, yanking your hand out of his grasp.

"No, I'm serious! I'll do anything!" he yelled out, struggling to hold in the searing hot tears that were threatening to fall. You sighed and picked up the last box and placed the extra apartment key on the counter, and started walking to the exit. Before you left, you stopped in your tracks and said

"Anything? Okay, then don't ever talk to me again, don't contact me, don't beg me to get back together with you. And find someone else who you'll love enough that you wouldn't put her what you've put me through." you said the resumed walking away.

"[F/N]-cchi, please, I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't ever call me by my first name again. We're not together anymore. Goodbye, Kise Ryouta." you said then headed to the elevator to go to the ground floor. Once the doors to the elevator opened, you rested your back against the wall.

Back in the apartment, Kise just stood there, with his breaking into millions of pieces. And he decided he couldn't hold it in anymore, and started to cry hard.

'I'm sorry, Kise, I didn't want to make it harder than it already was.'

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