Nervousness [Akashi Seijuro x Reader]

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[B/F/N] - Best Friend's Name


"I can't do it," you breathed out, you chest rising up and down quickly from hyperventilating. [B/F/N] turned around with wide eyes and grabbed your shoulders to make you look up at her. 

"Don't tell me..." she looked at you, hoping you were only kidding. 

"I can't get married," you continued, your eyes filled with fear worry. She gripped on your shoulders tighter.

"[F/N], we've been talking about both of us getting married one day. Today is that day and I did not spend almost 60,500 yen so you can blow off your one and only special day," [B/F/N] half joked. 

"He did not wait and stick with you for over 4 years for you to cancel this wedding!" she blasted at you, hoping that the statement would knock some sense into you. You looked at them in the eye, utterly speechless. They're right. You can't cancel this wedding last minute because of some stupid pre-wedding nervousness. 

You looked down a bit. "I'm sorry. You're right. I'm just nervous... I can't handle being stared at by 400 pairs of eyes," you confessed, your breathing reverting back to it's normal pace. She brought you back up on your legs and rested her hands on her hips victoriously. 

"Good. Now, let's get you dressed and ready. The wedding's in 5 hours and I am not sending you out there unprepared," she said as she led you to the large bathroom in your suite to get your hair and makeup ready. The whole time she got you ready, not a single nerve in your body shook with nervousness. At times like this, you had to be thankful of your friend's stubbornness.


"You're all set," [B/F/N] smiled and let out a content sigh, seeing you in your wedding dress, your makeup and hairstyle going along with it. 

"Thank you," you smiled at her and gave her a tight hug. She pulled away and headed towards the door. 

"Well, I gotta get ready along with the other bridesmaids and then get prepare for the actual ceremony," she said then waved a goodbye and exited from the room, leaving you alone. You turned your head to face the tall body mirror and scanned your full form once again. 

"I'm finally getting married," you muttered to yourself with a grin and slight blush on your face, running your hands down the white dress. 


You hitched your breath as you heard the wedding march play and the tall wooden doors open. Immediately, all eyes were set on you. The nervousness began to flood back to you. But you couldn't back out now, so you just swallowed and began to walk up to the front to join Akashi. 

Everything was too overwhelming, in the good way of course. The pristine and crystal clear glass chandelier that sparkled even from 75 feet above, the perfect flow of the song that's been played at every wedding, the sincere and happy looks everyone gave you, and best of all, your ever so handsome husband to be, Akashi Seijuro, clad in his suit that matched your dress. Akashi stood there with a genuine smile, more than ready and willing to spend the rest of his life with you. 

The flashes and clicks of cameras increased greatly as you finally reached the front. Akashi took your hand gently and then looked at you straight in the eyes, his two magenta orbs holding more care, love, and sincerity than you've ever seen. 

"I've been waiting for this for so long. You look absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to finally be able to spend the rest of my life with you," Akashi  said, not bothering to whisper. 

"The feeling is mutual, Sei," you replied, suddenly forgetting all of the people in the room, and focusing on Akashi as if you were both the only people there. Akashi's smile widened at the shortened version of his first name. 


A/N- lol this was originally supposed to be a wedding planner!reader but oh well. Sorry for all the marriage Akashi fics cx I'll stop with the marriage themed fics (at least with Akashi. Or should I continue it?) 

Also, thank you for checking out the three new books I published a couple days ago :3  I really appreciate it

Second of all, I will be deleting some parts since I think I have to much (it will most likely be only outdated author's notes though) 

Third, I have never really said this, but thank you for all the kind comments you've left on this whole book! I feel like trash when I don't answer to them because I don't want to be repetitive, I don't know what to say and I don't want to sound like an idiot. But sometimes Wattpad doesn't even notify me :/

Sorry about the long author's note :(

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