Guitar [Kasamatsu Yukio x Reader]

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A/N- so this is a oneshot sbout the captain of Kaijo! Sorry if this seems very sucky :/ i tried. (I say that in every chapter, im sorry) anyways, enjoy!

You were a new transfer student from [country of choice], and you were enrolled at your new school, Kaijo HIgh. You were sent to Japan to live there and study on your own since your parents were always working and barely had time to take care of you. You also didn't have any relatives, so that's why they sent you to take care of yourself in Japan. They also thought that it would teach you how to be independent and to practce being on your own for a while, given the circumstances why.

You were currently walking around Kaijo, observing your surroundings. It was pretty tiring walking around while carrying a guitar case with a guitar in it.

You followed the map of the school that was given to you. You saw a door at the end of the hall. When you had opened the door, you expected a classroom filled with people, but instead you were presented with a music room. Your eyes lit up when you saw guitars on stands, mics, a wide selection of woodwind and brass instruments, and a large, glossy, grand piano in the center of the room, in front of risers for a choir.

You looked around the room and thankfully, no one was around. Or so you thought.

Walking to one of the empty seats, you set down your guitar case, opened it, and took out your acoustic guitar. Scanning the room once again, you confirmed there were no people. Sighing, you concentrated and started to play the guitar with great skill.

You were quite talented with the wooden instrument, since you had played it since you were 4 years old. While you were strumming your guitar, you did not notice a person enter the room, since you were into playing the instrument.

"What are you doing here?" A masculine voice said sternly and you flinched in your seat and turned around. You saw a tall male (in my opinion), with short black hair and piercing gray eyes.

"I just ran into this room and I decided to stay here and play with my guitar for a while." You said and eyes your guitar.

"Well, you can't be here. Only the music club has access to this room." He said.

"Well, I won't be told to leave by someone who hasn't even told me their name." You spat back.

"Kasamatsu Yukio, 3rd year."

"[L/N] [F/N], 3rd year." You introduced yourself.

"Okay, well, [L/N], you have to leave."

You sighed. "Okay, okay. Very well, I'll leave." You said with a bored tone.

Now that you notice it, you thought that Kasamatsu was quite handsome and had that type of determined, stern and captain-like aura surrounding him. In all honesty, you liked that.

When you packed up and was about to exit the music room, Kasamatsu stopped you.

"Oh yeah, by the way, you play very well." He complimented.

"So I've been told." You smirked and left the music room, with the impression of Kasamatsu in your head.

A/N- I hate writers block ._. And I'm so sorry if this is ooc.........

Well, see you guys next update!

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