Finally [Moriyama Yoshitaka x Reader]

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You were a third year at Kaijo and the captain of the girls basketball club. Your personality was much like Kasamatsu's, so you and him were friends. He liked having you as friend since you were like him and you were the only girl he didn't stutter and shake around. And since you were both basketball captains, that meant you both met up a lot to talk about upcoming games and strategies.

One day, you went to the boys basketball practice to talk about something with Kasamatsu. When you walked in, you saw him and went to him. You both started talking, but from a distance, the team's shooting guard, Moriyama, was looking at the both of you talk and also seeing you occasionally smile at Kasamatsu. He didn't want to admit he was jealous, but he was. Despite being known for always thinking about girls in general, Moriyama only had eyes on you.

When you finished talking to Kasamatsu, you wave him goodbye and was about to leave when you were stopped by Moriyama. Your body tensed up, since you too, had a crush on him.

"Yes?" You asked.

'This is my chance to ask her out!' Moriyama thought.

"Can I ask you something?" He said, trying to not blush when you turned to look at him.

"Yes, what is it?.."

"A-are you free this weekend?" He said as he mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"Yes....." You said quietly.

"Would you want to go somewhere with me?" He asked you, while waiting for your answer.

"S-sure" you said in a silent voice as your cheeks were starting to be a dark shade of red and your heart beating happily.

Moriyama gave you a big smile and was about to say something else when Kasamatsu threw a ball at him.

"Oi, Moriyama stop flirting with the girls basketball team's captain and start practicing!" He yelled at him. Moriyama was about to say something before Kasamatsu came, but he was took late and he was pulling him back into practice.

You left the gym and tried to make your pulse calm and cheeks back to normal, much to your dismay.

Meanwhile, Moriyama was happily telling everyone that he had finally asked you out and that you had agreed.

Now all he needed to do was have enough courage to ask you to be his after a while.

A/N- I'm so sorry if this is low quality.. I kinda had writers block while typing this down. Also, I'm sorry if this is left on a bit of a cliffhanger.. I have the tendency to do that. But anyways, see you guys next update!

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