Chapter 13: The dream

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Everything is hot. I feel like my skin is on fire. I feel like I have a fever. Sweat sticks to my neck and forehead, and my mouth is uncomfortably dry. Fingertips are digging desperately into my shoulders, and there are legs circled around my hips pulling me down on the person under me. There is a strange pleasure deep in the pit of my stomach, and all I can see is a mop of dark hair. Teeth are biting down at whatever skin they can reach and I realize that I don't actually mind. More so, I enjoy it.

I enjoy having this person wrapped around me.

The sweat from their body and the sweat from mine create a glue between us ensuring that we cannot separate. The punishing peeling of skin from skin is too great a discipline for me or this person to risk separating. The arms hold me as if they need me. I feel like I need this person. We are hungrily rubbing against each other. Any bit of bare skin is fair game and I can feel a familiar hardness against my side. This person is a male.

I don't know if that bother me or not.

I don't know if I even really care.

Because this male under me is whimpering each time we slide together in just the right way. And the deep baritone sounds just erotic enough for me to use the body under me more forcefully. Desperate to reach completion. Both of us. And he's moaning pleasantly in my ear asking for more. Asking me to touch him more. Praising me for how good my touch is making him feel. Pleas for more and mews to not stop.

I have never felt pleasure like this.

It doesn't seem to matter to him that I'm a guy. In fact, he revels at my manhood gliding against his blushing skin. I want to see this person. I want to kiss his lips and know who is ushering me into completion faster than I've ever experienced before. But he seems to hide in my shoulder. This male who is longer than me.

His musk is thick, and I inhale it deeply. My fingers dig into bony hips pulling him burningly against me. I don't mean to be rough with him. My need is just unbearable. He doesn't seem to mind. His own grip on my shoulders and dig down in earnest.

"I'm almost.." The man says in this thick masculine tone. It's not off-putting. It's somehow more arousing. "Please. Don't stop." The arousing voice pleads.

"Am I hurting you?" I don't think to say these words, but they still come out of my mouth. I don't question why. After all, I don't want to hurt this person. I don't want to hurt anyone.

"No. Never you." I can feel the bridge of a nose press into my neck comfortably. "Could never hurt from you."

"I can stop. If you need me too." I don't think it would be possible for me to stop right now. But my tone doesn't reflect my internal uncertainty. The first utter of reluctance is all I need to hear.

"Harry. Please. Don't stop." The warm voice is like honey. I'm sinking into it. He arches his back until are chests are flesh to flesh. "Harry." He moans mutedly.

"I have you." These words alone seem enough to pull this mystery man over the edge. I can feel all of his muscles tensing around me and he screams his orgasm in my ear. Just his pleasure coaxes my own orgasm all over his stomach. My palm strokes his hair soothingly until he falls limply on the bed below me.

Hair the color of tar spills out around him like ink. Dark eyes still lidded with pleasure openly watch my every movement. Snowy skin is flushed with arousal. His stomach is sunken in. Chest heaving.

"Harry. Why are you looking at me like that?" The man squirms under my gaze. I reach out to touch his cheek just to see if he's real.

"Severus?" But just as I touch his cheek, my eyes open.

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