Chapter 62: Getting back to life

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We were left alone. Aside from Poppy checking to make sure that Severus was healing properly and Niffy making sure that we both ate, we were left alone. Severus and I talked. As if we were trying to get to know one another. We talked openly. About everything and nothing. His childhood. My own. My mother. My father. His parents- or lack thereof. We talked about our wants and hopes for the future. We talked about fears. We talked about children.

Severus nearly had a panic attack when Nagini slithered out from under the bed, but when I grabbed her up and explained she wasn't a threat to us he relaxed. I don't think it's because he trusts the large snake but instead because he trusts me. And then I told him.

"Tom Riddle allowed me to kill him. He took back the Horcrux inside of me and Nagini and then he let me kill him. He asked me to use your spell Sectumsempra. He told me that he wanted to die by your spell and by your wand. Severus, what he did to you is unforgivable, but I think what was done to him is just as unforgivable. Dumbledore has to be stopped. Thus far, no one knows everything. Just little bits of the story. I know that it feels... terrifying to go right back into a war, but Tom was never the real threat."

"What do you propose we do?" He asks. It's strange to see him so open. So relaxed. Without the dark mark, he really is free.

"I already have an interview set up with Rita Skeeter. The two of us are going to out Dumbledore for the vial man he really is. If the impossible happens and he gives himself up, then we will let the officials handle it. In the more likely event that this causes a rift in the magical world between those that trust him and those that don't then, I'll do what I have to in order to kill him."


"Severus, the only people more loyal and devoted than Voldemort's followers are those that are loyal to Dumbledore. You know that. I believe many will not be easily convinced. If I have to kill him, there is a chance that not even being the 'boy who lived' or the boy who killed Voldemort will matter. There is a chance that I may be apprehended and potentially thrown in Azkaban." Nagini slithers tightly around me. I try to not show any fear. I know she isn't trying to hurt me so much as comfort me.

"Then we will leave the magical world entirely. If it comes to that, then we can be fugitives."

"No. I'm not going to be perceived as another threat to the magical world. If it comes down to being arrested, then I will go without a fight. After I kill Dumbledore."

"No!" The single word comes out as a growl. His dark piercing eyes are stabbing into me and for the first time in a while, I'm seeing the man I fell in love with. All bite and unyielding. "We will either be fugitives together or locked up together. I'm not doing this again. Stop acting like a brat, running off and throwing your life away. I'm sick of your idiotic pace." He crosses his arms in his signature 'try to fight me on this' pose. And Merlin I love him.

"It's time that this war finally comes to an end." Is all I say.

"Even if you do leave this up to the officials, we both know that will not be enough. They will be as useful as they were when trying to stop Voldemort. This will come down to us stopping him. We both know that."

"I was hoping to live in denial a bit longer, but yes. I suspect that I'll have to fight him., and considering last time I was thrown across the room like a toy, I'm not so sure I can win."

"We will together." He says. His face isn't grave or confident. But I recognize it for what it is. We will either succeed together. Or die together. There will be no in-between. "You'll need a new wand."

"Actually. I'm not so sure that I will." He raises his eyebrow silently asking me to continue. "I'm the heir to Gryffindor. I've gained my inheritance, and my magic has never felt this strong before. It's like it's bubbling over."

"Yes, I've noticed." He actually shivers.

"I swear, I'll never hurt you with this power Severus!" I don't want him to be afraid of me. His legs squeeze shut tightly.

"I already know that." He's...

"You're aroused?!"

"Could you not shout it for the world to hear. And stop looking at me like I'm odd. It's completely normal for certain men to like their partner to be strong." I'll file that away for later. "Your magic is much stronger, but that doesn't mean that you know how to use it yet."

"You're right." He exhales.

"I think it's time to face the rest of the world. We've been hidden away for long enough."

"Are you sure Severus."

"I would like to see Draco. I'm sure my godson has a lot to tell me. And I would like to see my niece. My Princess."

"They've been wanting to see you too. Both of them." When I smile at him, he weakly smiles back. "If you would like, I can bring them here. That way it's not to much at once."

"Harry, I don't need to be coddled. I'm perfectly capable of facing the outside."

"I know Severus. I can't help it. I just want to protect you."

"Quite." He snickers.

"And I also know that your hips may be a bit sore from... you know."

"No. I'm in very little pain. You were very gentle." He was lovely clinging to me. I think he may have opened up Pandora's box. He stands on shaky legs and I help steady him. He uses me as a crutch to support himself while he dresses in something a bit more presentable for the outside world. Messily he pulls his long hair back into a ponytail and then exhaling clinically, we both exit.

He's nearly tackled by Wendy.

"Wen Wen happy to see Sevy and Harhar okay!" She's smiling from ear to ear and any tension Severus had is gone. He's smiling back at her just as brightly.

"I just needed to rest for a bit. I'm feeling much better now." He assures her. I didn't expect this many people to be congregated in the common room. Almost everyone is here.

"I see you two are done sucking face." Ron says somewhat teasingly. I know he's just trying to lighten the mood. Hermione nudges him sharply.

"Mr. Weasley, what I do what my husband is hardly any of your business." Severus stands a bit straighter.

"Not like I care. Harry made up his mind about you and if my best friend loves you then I can accept your relationship. Honestly I like the idea of him being with you more than him doing anything with my sister."

"Ron!" Molly glares at her son.

"Well it's true." Lightly Severus is laughing beside me. Draco is curled up next to Neville unconscious.

"Dra just fell asleep. I'd really rather not wake him." Neville says smiling gently and wrapping his arm tighter around the silver haired boy next to him. "He hasn't been sleeping much lately so he's a bit tired." Why do I have the feeling that it's Neville that hasn't let him sleep. Draco certainly looks exhausted... but not dissatisfied.

Megan has been quiet the whole time. She stands and stalks over to us. She looks so much like her uncle when her face is serious. He actually takes a step back against me. Maybe he isn't ready for this yet. Maybe it's still too much.

But she stops in front of him and looks up into his face.

Her arms latch around him in a tight embrace that he stays completely stationary for.

"Pri.... Megan."

"I'm so happy that you are okay. We have so much to talk about, but for right now please just let me hug you. I never thought I would get to again." His arms shake are he clutches her tightly to him.

Everyone watches as he shakily holds her.

"I've missed you so much!" If anyone notices him crying, no one says anything. "I thought I would never see you again. I thought I had lost you forever." I'm not sure who is trying to console who. But both are crying and clinging to the other just happy to finally have their family returned.

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