Chapter 65: The trial

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The courtroom couldn't seat everyone that wanted to attend. Some loyal to Severus and myself. Some loyal to Dumbledore. Some just loyal to the truth and whatever that may be. Albus Dumbledore for his part looks every bit an innocent man handed up to the hounds. He is calm and articulate in his words as if it's only a matter of time until he is proven innocent. He could fool me with this act.

"I am not saying that young Harry is necessarily wrong. I'm sure he believes he is doing what is best for the magical world. As someone who has spent years protecting all that I can, I do understand. I'm sure he believes that he is correct in the judgement of my character." His tone is very even while also sounding human. Everything he says- I can tell it was carefully planned to reach the most people he could. "But It still saddens me that he would believe such lies about me. I have always thought very highly of young Harry, and I have always seen Severus as a son."

"Then why did you send him directly into the path of danger?" Severus grabs my arm silently reminding me that I'm also being watched.

"It was war. Don't forget, there was a time Severus played his part against the light. It only made sense to use that blunder to our advantage. I hated knowing that he was in such an awful situation, but for the greater good- for the lives of you and all the other innocent, Severus and I both agreed that it made sense for him to be a spy."

"Harry." Severus says under his breath where only I can hear him. "Calm yourself. He knows that I am a sensitive topic for you, do not let your love for me be your undoing." His lips pull into a barely visible smile. Under the table, he holds my hand and it helps me focus.

Severus is my weakness. Dumbledore knows that, and he isn't above exploiting it. We knew that when we were preparing for this trial. Dumbledore could never win if he were targeting me. I'm the boy who lived and the boy who killed Voldemort and 'put a stop to this war'. I'm well loved by most of the magical world. His only hope is to prove that I am somehow mistaken. Prove that I was deceived or potentially brainwashed.

Severus on the other hand is not well loved. In fact, he's very much the opposite. Sure, we've taken great lengths to improve his reputation, but most outside of our small circle still see him as a cruel bitter ex-death eater. And now also the man who took 'the boy who lived' off the market. Some view him as the man I was forced to bond with, and they see him as the enemy.

"This case is more than just about what you have done to Severus, there have been many records of you using your reputation to deceive others. The case of the Hufflepuff boy that you adopted and his early death. I am also accusing you of creating Voldemort." The room looks uncomfortable at the name being said aloud.

"Harry, these claims are ridiculous and mostly only fragilely held up by grief-stricken witnesses. Many of which are not trustworthy enough for their statements to hold up in this court. Why should anyone believe You-Know-Who's accusations against me?" He's calm under pressure. If he believes he is innocent, then he can convince everyone else. "As for Gregory, he was the son of two very close personal friends. When they did the unthinkable and took their own lives, I naturally gave Gregory a home. But as I'm sure you can understand, losing parents at such a young age greatly warped his fragile mind. I blame myself for not seeing the signs, and I've questioned many times if there was anything I could have done to save him from his own undoing."

"I'm not convinced." I lead. "I am the heir to Gryffindor. Tom Riddle was the heir to Slytherin. I saw for myself how little magical power he possessed. Because his magical inheritance was stolen from him." There are suspicious looks between me and Dumbledore. "I do not claim that Tom Riddle is or was a saint. He was a flawed corrupted man, and the world is safer without him, but someone had to create that corruption. You manipulated a young man who only wanted love and acceptance. You used and toyed with him and eventually took all you wanted and discarded him."

"Harry my boy." His eyes look hurt. He looks betrayed. He looks innocent. "I would never do such a thing to anyone."

"But you did. You had sex with him. You made him trust you. You may have even made him love you, and then you tricked him into opening the chamber of secrets- knowing that he would not be able to control the serpent inside. Once he opened the chamber, he gained his magical inheritance and then you took it from him."

"Preposterous." He shakes his head as if dispelling the lies.

"You are the heir of Ravenclaw and you have been plotting for decades to gain the magical inheritance from all the heirs. The only thing I don't know, is why!" Severus's hand is the only thing I can feel. His hand and blinding rage. "I trusted you! I trusted you because you were my headmaster. I trusted you even though you left me to be raised by relatives that hated me. You left me in a home where I was molested and starved and beaten. DAILY! You cannot take the high ground with me. You have worn the façade of a kind hearted man all while turning a blind eye to abuse because it did not suit your selfish cause. You make the excuse that because Severus made a mistake when he was young that you had every right exploiting it, but you don't mention that you are the one who caused him to make that mistake. You left him in a home where he was raped and treated as if he were not worthy to exist. You allowed the rift between houses to grow and you even encouraged it. My father and his friends tortured him. One of which sent him to be killed by a werewolf student that should not have even been at the school. You covered it up. And you silenced him. You allowed one of his teachers to sexually assault him. You forced him to become a deatheater."

"Harry." Severus softly calls my name. But it doesn't calm me down.

"I trusted you. The magical world trusted you. You convinced everyone that our enemy was Voldemort, but you failed to mention you created Voldemort. I hate that you made me on the same side as the man who killed my parents, but of the two of you he truly was the lesser of two evils." I take my seat and actually listen to the uproar in this room. Escalating arguing rings in my ears. It's a fury of words and I cannot pick out one from another. I feel cold as the judges' reign in the mounting agitation. Witnesses are called. Testimonies are given.

Mothers who's once magical children are now squibs. Past students mentioning their lives of abuse. The words against his character pile up and those loyal to him are beginning to question themselves. Just a cursory look around the room is enough to see the looks of suspicion. He's losing ground.

"Order." A judge says. "Albus Dumbledore, for your crimes you have been sentenced to life in Azkaban." It's over.

"Please reconsider. I have always been loyal to the wellbeing of the magical world." My skin feels like it's tingling.

"The verdict is final. Aurors please escort Albus Dumbledore to his cell." Something's not right.


My skin is tingling. My magic is buzzing agitatedly. For a brief moment, I see Dumbledore as he really is. Cold detached eyes. A furious snarl.

I move on instinct before I even hear the words.

"Avada Kedavra!"


"Harry!" I'm still protectively wrapped around him. The courtroom is in a panic. But I can't focus on that now. "We need a medic now!" I've never heard his voice quite so panicked before. I'm sorry that I had to worry you so much. You've always protected me though. I'm glad I was able to protect you this time.

Everything feels cold. Words are sounding muddy.

Blurrily I look up at my husband. His eyes have never looked so expressive as they do now dripping tears down on my face.

He's mouthing words, but I just can't tell what he's saying. I'm sorry Severus. I'm just so tired.

I'll apologize after a nap.

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