Chapter 67: Your his life

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Severus has basically been a mother bear since Dumbledore attacked me. He's been needlessly protective and uncompromising. In some ways he's the same he's always been with me except this time, I know it's from a position of caring. There is definitely still pain, but being able to walk away from this is worth the pain.

The aurors haven't found Dumbledore. They haven't even found a trace of him. It's like he disappeared. He was able to use the killing curse wandlessly. Even without a wand he is fully able to kill. I've been trying to use my own magic wandlessly, but I'm obviously not as skilled as Dumbledore at controlling my magic yet.

The biggest change is, the magical world believes I'm dead. Sure, there are a handful that know that I survived, but the general public believes I was killed. I wanted to rush out immediately and put the magical world at ease, but Severus and Poppy insisted that this remain a secret. There will come a time for me to show the world I am still alive, but for now it's better that less people know.

Hopefully it will give us an edge to defeat Dumbledore.

I'm not going to lie though. I'm scared. More so than I was of Voldemort. At least everyone knew where Voldemort stood. They knew his goals and his ambition, but Dumbledore is different. No one knows what his end goal is and frankly that's terrifying.

"You need to eat more." It's strange to hear those words from Severus. He's holding the spoon to my mouth. It looks like some sort of jelly. The lines on his face are deeper and his eyes are tired.

"Severus, I can feed myself." He smiles gently at me.

"Humor me then." He's equal parts harsh and gentle. The safe house is once again full of our army. Only those that we trust are here to see us lick our wounds. Sometimes Severus even lets me leave the bed. I've been sentenced to bedrest but even Poppy said that as long as I take it easy and rest, I can meander the common area and talk. I just cannot get to excited or active.

Meaning no sex. Not that that was the first thing on my mind, but it's funny how desperately carnal cravings take over when you've had a near death experience. So my days are filled with idle chatter, chess, and rest. I want to storm out and face Dumbledore, but we all know I'm not physically able to do much. Merlin, Severus still has to help me dress and bathe.

"Give him some space." Draco says leaning against Neville. "He's alright now. He's resting. Honestly you are stressing yourself out." The tone is slightly playful, but it only makes Severus scowl. Draco is the only one other than myself that is so comfortable with Severus that he isn't hesitant to voice concerns. "He's resting. He's safe. Now sit down and take care of yourself. Stop taking all of this on yourself." Draco folds comfortably into Neville.

"We are concerned about you Uncle. Stressing yourself will not help the situation." Megan says sweetly. Never easily swayed, Severus stands just as stubbornly.

"We are going to find Dumbledore and put an end to whatever his plan is." I say grabbing Severus's arm. "I'm okay." His stoic eyes hide away all of the fear I know he's feeling. He rarely possesses anything that gives him happiness or joy and every time it's been taken from him; so, I understand his determination to not rest until Dumbledore is stopped. It's easy to mistake his stoic eyes for anger or cruelty, but I know that isn't the case. "We will plan- like we have before- and then we will strike when the time is right. He acted rashly, and he's outed himself for the person he really is. We also have the advantage of him believing that I'm dead. He will not expect me." Severus breathes in deeply before settling next to me.

Limply he lays his head on my shoulder and just closes his eyes. It's such a vulnerable action and for him to do it in front of so many people just shows how comfortable he is with our loyal friends. The sets of eyes watching him relax into me actually make my cheeks feel warm. I know that Severus loves me, but to have him display it so openly is something I would have never expected.

Draco smirks but says nothing and Neville just smiles comfortably. I'm still scared about the inevitable fight, but this is the happiest I've ever been in my life. Severus ends the action just as fluidly as he entered it. He stands elegantly and turns to his niece.

"Megan, you are the only one here who has any talent with potions, would you mind helping me. I have quite the volume to brew." Megan's eyes sparkle at being asked to help. No one is offended at Severus's words and newly raised shields. This is just how he is. "Neville, I need some herbs and other ingredients."

"I would be happy to get them for you." Neville says before Severus has the chance to finish. He grabs Draco's hand. They have been inseparable.

"And Wen Wen will watch Har har." Wendy shouts excitedly. Her hands go to her hips and her eyes squint at me in what I can only assume to be her 'serious face'. Severus kisses the top of my head and everyone leaves to do their tasks. I actually feel a bit useless and left out. Wendy though crawls onto the couch and smiles wide. "Wen Wen has missed Har har. Har har has been busy. So has Sevy." A twinge of guilt spreads over me, but she doesn't look unhappy. She actually seems content.

"I'm sorry." I still say. She shakes her head.

"All any house elf wants is to please their master." She looks sad for a moment. "Sevy was not happy. Sevy was not pleased. Sevy was alone and not wanted. Sevy was very very sad." Her voice is shaking, but then her voice becomes clear again and she has a bright smile splitting her face. "Now Sevy is happy. Sevy saved Wen Wen but Wen Wen couldn't make Sevy happy. Sevy gave Wen Wen purpose, but Wen Wen couldn't give Sevy purpose. Sevy gave Wen Wen a home, but Wen Wen couldn't give Sevy a home. Sevy gave Wen Wen a family..... I couldn't give him one." She's crying but the smile doesn't waver. "Sevy made me happy, but I could not make him happy."

"Wendy." She's always been mature for her age, but this...

"but you did." She lays her head onto her knees. There is still an element of childishness that she's had since I first met her, but she certainly seems older. "Sevy would cry if you died. Sevy is much softer than people think. So. Please. For Sevy and because I am asking you. Please don't try to fight Dumbles on your own. I don't think Sevy could take it if you got hurt and he wasn't there."

"Wendy, I don't want him to get hurt either. He deserves to be happy, he deserves for the rest of his life to be in peace. I can't take the chance of him getting hurt."

"If you die, Sevy will make sure to kill Dumbles..." She looks at her feet. "But then Sevy would kill himself. He has nightmares. When you were asleep, he tried to stay awake, but when he would drift off, nightmares would startle Sevy awake. He would cry because you had died. And he couldn't save you." She smiles at me. "You are Sevy's life. You dying is no different from him dying."

"You are a very smart little girl aren't you." She shakes her head.

"No. Wen Wen just loves her masters."

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