Chapter 43: Another chapter about chess

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I would be lying if I said that I was not afraid.

I'm terrified.

I know there's a chance that I could die. I know there is a chance that something worse than death could happen. But I know the prophecy. I know that I have to be the one to kill him. No one else. I don't want any needless deaths. I don't want to endanger all those that I care for.

And I also know that if I do not go to him, he will eventually come to me.

No one wants to admit this war is going to happen. We are waiting and plotting and planning. But it's not that simple.

It almost feels natural to be breaking rules again. With my cloak, I sneak up to the headmaster's room.

It's a pivotal part of the plan. Before I can say the password that took me a week of sleuthing to find out, the wall opens up to let me in. It seems the old man was expecting me because there he waits with a pot of tea and a chess board neatly set up. He motions to the seat across from him.

"Harry my boy. A bit late to be wondering around." He's not surprised. "What brings you here my boy." I take a seat. Sneaking up on him clearly isn't going to happen.

"I came to steal your wand. I know it's the elder wand and I need it to defeat Voldemort." The headmaster moves his white peace. A pawn on the far left two places ahead. A cup is set beside each of us and he pours himself a cup and then me. "Sugar?" He asks. And I shake my head. "It's your turn my boy."

This entire situation is strange.

"Didn't you hear me. I said that I've come to steal your wand."

"Yes Harry. I've heard you. Now please. Take your turn." I lead with my black knight. The right one. He moves another pawn. "So, you believe you are strong enough to take on the dark lord."

"I'm not sure." I move my knight again. He moves the pawn furthest forward an additional space.

"You are willing to put the entire wizarding world in danger for a gamble. That is a bold move."

"Something has to be done." I move a pawn forward to head off one of his. This continues back and forth. Quietly we make our plays. It get to my turn and I have the option to take out one of his rooks with my knight or take out one of his pawns in order to protect one of my pawns. I take out his pawn.

"You could have taken my rook, but instead you decided to protect one of your pawns. That's a peculiar choice." He says simply.

"I guess that's the difference between us." I say. "Any piece could win the game. Protecting all that you can should be the priority." He smiles half way and takes a small sip of his tea.

"In theory that is a good plan. Unfortunately, in practice that is impossible. Some pieces have to be sacrificed. Without sacrifice nothing can be accomplished. Even this school. The founders used a portion of their magic for the sorting hat knowing that they would never get it back. Sacrifice is part of life. Attempting to protect everything, will cause you to lose everything." He exhales. "That is something I know first-hand."

"Severus isn't your pawn. Not anymore." I say. He examines me for a long moment. "You've tried to break his spirit. I don't care what your reason is. I love him. And I will not allow you to endanger him anymore. I will protect him."

"Severus made the ill decision to go to the dark side during the first war. He made that choice and then he came to me and I saved him from Azkaban. I gave him a job and he fully agreed to become spy for me."

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