Chapter 25: Telling the World

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We are sharing a loveseat. Our thighs are lightly pressed together in what should appear a casual manner. Severus's long hair is pulled into a low ponytail. It suits him. He has strong features and the way his hair is pulled back has softened them enough where he could pass for friendly if he had to. Right now, he has too. He's wearing midnight purple robes. They also suit him. He looks approachable. Which is good given the circumstances. The robes were apparently 'a gift from Minerva because she wanted to brighten up my wardrobe'. I'll have to ask her where she got them so that I can get more for Severus in a similar style. They accentuate his long body without making him look domineering.

Our thighs are lightly pressed together in what should appear a casual manner.

Our shoulders bump and I lean slightly into him. Because we have to seem comfortable with the other person's touch. Because we are bonded.

Severus did not want to do an interview. He initially was going to leave the formalities to me and just deal with whatever the fall out maybe. I told him that I couldn't do it alone. We have to seem like a team. We need the wizarding world to see him as a hero. That's what he is after all, but it doesn't matter how brave or selfless a person is if they have everyone including themselves convinced that they aren't worth another chance. I told him he had to come. He inhaled then exhaled slowly. I half expected an outburst. Instead. He agreed.

He said something about how I couldn't be trusted to not unintentionally ruin his reputation. I told him I just wanted to improve his reputation. He said exactly. Because he's afraid that I'll make him seem weak. I think he thinks of himself as weak. Especially after the outburst in his room several days ago. I think, he thinks, I think he's weak.

On the contrary.

He's the strongest person I know.... I just haven't told him that. Maybe I should, but it's honestly scary admitting anything like that to him.

So Severus and I spend a couple of days preparing. We had to get our story straight. He said that was the most important thing. We couldn't contradict each other about what caused us to be bonded. So we are sitting on a loveseat together with our thighs light touching. Rita Skeeter's quill floats near her as she pushes her glasses up her nose. I organized this interview. I already told her the general information, but now she's in media mode. She needs to get the scoop.

"So. Why did you two decide to soul bond of all things!" Rita Skeeter directs the question to both of us.

"Severus and I became soul bonded because he wanted to protect me from You-Know-Who. This was the easiest and safest way to do so." I say. I asked him if we should keep the real reason a secret. He told me no. The best way to lie, is to not lie. Say what you must and omit the worst. Severus and I were forced into a soul bond.... Doesn't sound quite as good as saying we choose it for safety..

"A loveless soul bond. That's truly pitiable." Rita says grasping for a juicier story.

"Not at all. I have always felt very strongly about Harry." His thumb is stroking the top of my hand. I'm not sure if it's unconsciously or 'unconsciously'. Her floating quill stalls for a moment and looks at both of us.

"Severus. I understand that you were instructed to kill the headmaster, but now you are expected to return as a teacher."

"Yes. Albus ordered me to kill him. Thank merlin I was not successful. I have never been so glad to have failed." She grabs the quill and lightly brushes her mouth with the feather.

"Am I correct when I say that you are a half blood. Your father was a muggle, and your mother a pureblood from the Prince family."

"You've certainly done your research." He says lightly. "Yes. I am a half blood."

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