Chapter 37: Quidditch Practice

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My team is practicing Quidditch. Everything from last night is still at the forefront of my mind. No surprise, we didn't continue last night after he calmed down. Neither of us were really in the mood. But he let me hold him and he seemed to sleep relatively fine. I slept very little. I didn't want to take the chance of him having a bad dream and me not being available.

When he woke up, I was already awake. He got up and prepared for the day very quietly. Never saying anything to me. I'm not sure if this is something I should give him space over or not. I don't think he's actually upset with me so much as upset that I know. Upset that it happened in the first place.

Everyone is flying around. Having a good time. Without a care. Not even concerned about the war. Or how fellow students are suffering. Because Hogwarts is a safe place. And come to find out, a very corrupt place. Dumbledore has always favored me and other Gryffindors. I never thought much of it. But it isn't fair. To the majority of the students it isn't fair. I nearly get hit and I shake my head trying to focus on practice.

My mind simply has other more pressing matters to think about other than rather my team is prepared or not. Maybe it's the exhaustion, but it's difficult for me to even stay on my broom. It's difficult for me to stay upright.

It's something pounding in the back of my mind. A nagging thought and I nearly crash into the ground in my attempt to land quickly. So many sets of eyes. Ron lands much more smoothly beside me.

"Harry, you look sick."

"Ron. I need to check on Severus. Please take over practice."

"Do you need help. Maybe you should go to the medical wing." I shake my head.

"No, I'll be fine. I just need to check on him." I don't feel well. Why must the castle be so far away. In my struggle to get back to the castle, I pass the greenhouses and Neville seeing me struggling comes out.

"Harry. Are you alright."

"I think Severus might need help. I don't feel well." I shake my head trying to regain my composure. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." He grabs my arm and pulls it over his shoulder.

"We should get you to the medical wing."

"No. Need to check on Severus." He doesn't let me push off of him. When did he become dependable? No, Neville was always dependable.

"I'll bring you to Poppy first, then I'll go find Professor Snape."

"No. I can't until I know he's alright." I stumble. He stops moving and I nearly collapse. I didn't realize that I was needing him to support me so much. He kneels down and pulls me on his back.

"If he's hurt, then we need to hurry up. I'll piggy back you." I don't even bother refusing. He's right. If he does need help, then my pace is slowing us down. He lifts me with ease.

I can see why Draco likes him. He really is dependable. I don't think there is a kinder person in this school. He was always there in the background. A friend, but not one that I have gotten to know as a person.

"Thank you." I say. I'm so tired. He's quickly inside the castle and making his way down to the dungeons.

"Do you know where he is?"

"His lab most likely. He was going to brew some potions for the medical wing. He is probably still there." We meet Draco frantically rushing from his office.

"Harry. He collapsed." Draco's clearly frantic. Neville brings me into the lab and settles me on the ground next to Severus. He's ice cold but breathing. "I came to talk to him and he seemed off. In the middle of us talking, he just collapsed." Neville touches my husband's cheek.

"He looks to just be unconscious. Draco, I'll help Professor Snape to the infirmary, and you help Harry. Harry isn't quite stable on his feet, but he should be able to carry most of his weight if you help support him." I watch Neville grab Severus's long body and pull it onto his shoulders. With ease he lifts him and holds his arm and leg to keep Severus secure.

Neville leaves first while Draco assists me.

"Is it okay that you are helping me?" I say.

"I'm only helping you because fatso is helping Professor Snape." Then quieter he says. "The dark lord wants Severus safe. This would be fine if I'm discovered because it involves helping Severus." Before the sentence is even out of his mouth words of contempt start spewing. I have to try to keep from laughing at the change. "I can't believe I'm stuck helping you. I'll have to burn this uniform."

"Thank you Dra." I whisper.

By the time Draco and I are to the medical wing, Severus is already laying comfortably in a bed. Draco drops me in the bed next to Severus and then crosses his arms while snarling in disgust.

"Thank you Draco for helping Harry. I know you don't like us, but..."

"I didn't do it for you Longbottom." Draco says turning up his nose. His ears are cutely turning pink and I wish I could help him. But until this war is over, I can't.

"Still. Thank you." Neville smiles. "I always knew you weren't evil." Draco's eyes widen before he returns to the haughty look from before. Neville doesn't pay it any attention. "Harry, I have to get back to helping Madam Sprout, but I'll be back later to check on you and Professor Snape."

When he leaves Draco sighs loudly. Then refocusing he turns to Poppy. "Is he going to be okay." Draco and I ask at the same time.

"Yes. It seems to just be exhaustion. Mr. Malfoy, might I talk with Mr. Potter alone." Draco crosses his arms clearly expressing that he isn't leaving.

"It's okay Poppy. I trust Draco." I say. She sizes the boy up.

"Very well. Severus collapsed due to exhaustion. Although his weight is up from the summer- something I'm pleased about- I know he hasn't recently been eating in the great hall. I was hoping that he was eating in his room, but I am beginning to doubt that. I believe that he is stressed and neglecting to eat."

"He's been more tired lately." I say. "I've tried to figure out what is bothering him, but he just will not tell me." She nods.

"Yes, that does sound like Severus. I am concerned. Often when brewing potions, he is forced to deal with potentially harmful substances and reactions. If he cannot do the necessary things to maintain his health, then I will ask the headmaster to put him on a temporary leave."

"Can we please not tell the headmaster. I'll make sure he eats, I do not want the rest of the staff or the headmaster to know about Severus being here." She exhales.

"Harry. It is imperative that Severus take care of himself. It could potentially harm himself or students. We are lucky that this was not worse. He could have been brewing a potion or teaching a class. Who knows what might have happened then."

"Yes. I know. I will try to talk with him." She laughs lightly.

"You would have better luck talking to a brick wall. I know you are doing everything you can, but Severus has to decided that he is worth taking care of. Otherwise, nothing you do will ever be enough."

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