Chapter 56: A kiss to die for

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A week. I gave myself and my army a week to plan. A week to plan something we had prepared for since many of us started school. I refused to leave Severus any longer than that. I'm sure even that short period of time was an eternity. I am in no way completely prepared, but I feel I never will be.

Niffy and her children have done all that they can to try and aid me in the short period of time since I joined them at this safe house. Everyday I've spent hours protecting Severus until my magic simply cannot anymore. Severus protected me at all times. Niffy explained that while my own magic is more powerful, I am still young and don't have access to all of it yet. She told me that I'm overusing my magic and burning out to quickly. For now, she said that it isn't our main concern. It isn't uncommon for young witches and wizards to over complicate magic.

Draco for his part kept me informed. He gave me updates on Severus as well as security and the layout of Voldemort's hide out. It's practically a maze and I've had to memorize the layout as well as everyone else.

Hermione has been in charge of assembling the portkeys for everybody in the hopes that we will minimize injuries and deaths.

For now, I'm not concerned over the other potential dark lord. Dumbledore is under a lot of suspicion right now. He's being investigated and everyday the daily prophet seems to have more speculated rumors about the once well respected man. After this war- after I get my husband back then I will deal with Dumbledore. For now. Rescuing Severus is my priority.

His wand still insists on casting shielding spells instead of offensive spells half the time. It doesn't listen to me, but is intent on my safety. That's another reason I'm thankful for the practice with wandless magic. Not having to use a wand actually comes somewhat naturally to me. With practice, I would feel more comfortable, but I just don't have the time.

A week is almost up.

We have two days until our plan is put into motion. I'm getting better at taking Severus's pain. It's getting easier to search out his unique magic and hold it protectively. The pain is at times excruciating and each time Severus seems more exhausted. Poppy wanted to wait longer until I was more prepared. I was angry at first. Wasn't she worried. I know that she knows the extent that Severus suffers under that madman's control. I know she's one of the few people that genuinely cares about him.

"Of course I'm worried about him." She says patiently at my outburst. "Severus is a good person and deserves to be safe and cared for. No one deserves what he is forced to go through, but this is a war. While the ends do not justify the means, I know Severus understand. Your success in ending this war must come first. And while I want to storm into that awful hell, I cannot. Because my place is not to fight. And make no mistake. It will be a bloodbath."

She spent the length of the week wringing her hands and preparing for the potential injured.

The plan was for each of us to break into groups of three. It was essentially going to be a game of cat and mouse. Strike fast and retreat before they have time to respond. Each group will have a portkey that will only work if someone in our army activates it. Hermione said that was the trickiest part. She essentially used Draco's dark mark as a control. She apologized to him and explained that she was not able to include him as one that can activate it.

If the group is in danger. If they are outnumbered. If a member is injured. All three are to portkey back immediately. Poppy will be here to heal them as quickly as possible. From there. As groups return, new groups of three will form and return. Take out death eaters if you can but live to fight another day above all else. There are about thirty in our army. Ten groups. Our numbers have grown but not by much. I was very selective with who I trusted. Luna Lovegood swings her feet absentmindedly. She was one of the ones I felt most comfortable trusting. Odd as she is, she is good. And she's always had a bit of a soft spot for me and surprisingly enough- Severus.

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