Chapter 35: The walls have ears

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Severus is feigning ignorance. Pretending that he doesn't know what I'm talking about when I say that he's always exhausted. He shrugs me off anytime I ask him any questions. He's always busy. But during class or during the tutoring sessions, he behaves normal. Or his new normal I should say. He guides us through the lesson and I can tell just from looking around that less students are lost. We are encouraged to help one another, and we must always work in our groups. Draco and Neville don't speak to one another. It's too be expected I guess. I understand why Draco will not talk to Neville, and Neville... Well since first year, Draco has been a prat to Neville. I'm not surprised if Neville will have nothing to do with him.

Come to think of it.

Has Draco liked Neville ever since first year? The way he always picked on the once pudgy boy, it would make sense.

Draco keeps up pretenses. On the surface, it really does look like he hates me. In actuality though, when we are able to talk without any onlookers, we get along fairly well. It's almost scary how easy it is to talk to him.

"Everything would have been different if you would have taken my hand." He said. "My goal was to recruit you. It's for the best that you didn't take my hand but had you everything would have been different." It's easy to talk to him. It's easy to talk about things I would never feel comfortable telling my friends. I try to remind myself to protect myself though. But it's clear that Severus trusts him, and that makes me trust him.

"So if you aren't loyal to you-know-who, does that mean you are loyal to Dumbledore." He grimaces.

"No." He says. "In this war, many are on the side of who they believe is the lesser of two evils. I would not say that I am loyal to either, but if I were to answer honestly, I believe the dark lord is the lesser of two evils. True, he detests muggles, but he is lenient against witches and wizards that are not pure blood if they show talent. Severus is only a half blood, but the dark lord still cares for him. And he isn't the only non-pureblood in our ranks." He's dicing potion ingredients. Draco is 'in detention' and I'm assisting my husband by preparing ingredients. Severus stepped out of the room a few hours ago and we are mostly unsupervised since this isn't real detention. These are really the only moments that Draco and I get to talk without the pretenses.

"You-know-who is very abusive to Severus. If you knew the things that he has done then..."

"I know everything Harry. I still stand by what I said. The person that the dark lord is most against, is Albus Dumbledore. Harry. I will not dispute the fact that the dark lord has done evil things, but I would sooner lay down my life for the dark lord than I would for the vile man that is our headmaster."

I have had issues with Dumbledore. He's obviously misguided. He's done things that are unacceptable. But as far as I know he's not as bad as Voldemort. Is he?

"What has Dumbledore done that is so bad?" I ask.

"I do not know what he did to the dark lord, and we should not speak about these things in the castle. The walls have ears." He says quietly. "I only know rumors that I have been told. I know a lot about Severus. He is my godfather after all. I know how he was treated and I know how other Slytherins have been treated. I know that, I do not trust him. I am not loyal to the dark lord, but in this war the only other option is the headmaster and I cannot be loyal to him. There is no man I fear more than Albus Dumbledore. I am loyal to Severus." He looks at me. "And that means that I am loyal to you." And I believe him. I really do. "And because I'm loyal to you and loyal to Severus, I have been wanting to ask you. Something is off about him. I don't know what, but it's obvious there is something he is hiding.."

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