Chapter 51: I Love You

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"Release your shields." Voldemort orders again. Severus stays bowed lowly.

"I cannot my lord." Voldemort aims his wand at me and prepares to cast his spell. I'm mentally preparing myself for the pain that never comes to me. Instead, Severus collapses to the ground wincing and holding back his pain. I felt nothing.

"Severus, I demand that you release the shields on him." Wobbly, Severus stands on his feet and stares back at the powerful dark wizard.

"I cannot my lord."

"Why do you disobey me. Have I not cared for you. Have I not loved you. Have I not protected you!" He aims his wand at me again. "I demand that you release your shields on the boy." The two men are staring at each other. Severus looks calm and detached. Severus's eyes clinch shut in pain as the spell is cast on me. "Release your shield!" the angry voice thunders.

"I cannot my lord. By protecting this boy, I am guaranteeing your victory in this war. He is a horcrux that no one would ever kill. You are immortal with this boy acting as your horcrux."

"I can make other horcruxes, Severus, I will ask you only once more. Release the shields you have placed on this boy." The wand aimed at me. There is nothing I can do.

Bound and defenseless. My wand broken. I hear Severus gasp in pain and I want to take it away from him. It's suppose to be directed at me. I'm the one he wants to kill. I'm the one he wants to torture. Severus should not be on the ground twitching in pain.

"My lord please." Severus begs from the ground. The spell ends, but Severus only moves enough to kneel in front of the dark wizard. "I understand that you wish him dead, but he is nothing my lord. He is just a boy. As long as he is alive, no one can kill you. Please. Release him. I will stay with you my lord- never to leave. Let the boy go. He can do you no harm."

"You are fond of the boy." Voldemort says icily. "Is it because his mother was that woman?"

"No, my lord." Severus says submissively. "I care nothing for the boy or his mother. I care only for you health and your conquest. I cannot allow any harm to come to the boy, even at the cost of disobeying you."

Fingers curl into his dark hair and pull him up harshly. Severus's doesn't so much as wince. He keeps his face held expressionless.

"What spell did he cast on you?" Voldemort asks him.

"None. There were no spells cast on me my lord. I merely acted in your best interest."

"That's impossible." Open handed, Voldemort's hand connects to Severus's cheek with a lord slap. "What reason do you have for disobeying me. I have other Horcrux's that are not wild cards so much as this boy is. And both you and I know that the demented headmaster," Voldemort says the word mockingly, "is not above sacrificing even this well-loved boy for his cause. No. You have your own motives for protecting him. What are they Severus."

I can tell from the look on Severus's face that he knows the lie thus far isn't working. I've put him in a difficult position. I'm waiting just as Voldemort is to hear Severus's newest reason, but it doesn't come. Instead it's Voldemort who speaks.

"You love him." The evil man says with sudden clarity. Those words freeze the entire room. Sunken in eyes bare into Severus as if begging him to deny it. Much to everyone's surprise, he doesn't. He doesn't say anything. Voldemort's voice cuts through the ominous room and magic swirls around him dangerously. "You love him!" Severus's is tossed to the ground in disgust.

"I cannot allow you to kill him." Severus says bowing his head once more while never showing the fear he must be feeling. "I have sworn my life to you. I will never leave your side again. I only ask that you release the boy. I will give you anything you ask of me sir, but I cannot allow you to harm the boy."

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