Chapter 31: So he is a teacher

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Draco is incredible. If I thought he was a nuisance before, then I've been corrected. Knowing that he's doing what he must to survive doesn't make it much better. Sometimes I see other students giving him strange looks, and I know what they must be thinking. That's he's violated me. It's obvious from the way he's stared at that most people have already decided on their own opinions. I try to not let it bother me. Severus says that it's to be expected. No matter how much he cleans his act up, he's done to much to be easily trusted.

I try to not let it bother me.

But I can tell it bothers Severus, so it bothers me.

Sure, he may say that he doesn't care. He may say that he knows the truth and the important ones know the truth, but of course it bothers him. He's put himself at risk to keep these ungrateful....

But I was once one of those ungrateful undisciplined brats. I was once one of his students that he put himself in harms way for. And I wasn't grateful.

Severus doesn't hold back anymore with students. He takes points from all the houses and he is still one of the strictest teachers. He's still crass. He's still unwavering. But it's different. At least I can see how it's different. He isn't doing it out of maliciousness, but his classroom has the potential to be more dangerous than any other. We need to know how to shield ourselves. We need to know how to not make stupid mistakes.

"Mr. Longbottom, you are to remain after class." Neville doesn't seem even the least bit concerned or afraid. In fact, he simply nods and continues the assignment. He's matured a lot since last term. His awkwardness is almost nonexistent, and he seems to have more confidence in himself. "Ms. Vance, mincing is not the same as chopping. If you do not know the difference, then ask your partner. If he does not know the difference then both of you are to stay after class." Over the course of the class session, Severus calls out several names and informs them to stay after class. He never says for detention and there is never any heat in his voice.

He sounds completely nonchalant. But still. Some students flinch when their names are called. I'm not surprised when my name is one of the ones called. After all, he only seems to be calling out the lower performing students.

Other students pack up, but nearly half of the class remains. Once the students that are free to leave completely exit the classroom, Severus sit comfortably on top of his desk. I can tell from his body language how lax he is now. He isn't hiding behind pretenses. He isn't pretending to be more or less harsh than he actually is.

"I have asked each of you to stay behind because each of you fall far from the class average. Many of you have struggled in potions since first year and some of you have only began struggling in recent years. Regardless. I will be holding remedial classes for students that need additional help. Students from all years are permitted, and anyone is welcome to attend. We will be meeting here, after dinner in the great hall on Wednesdays. Naturally there is only so much space, therefore I am letting the students that need the remedial lessons the most secure their spot first. As this is outside of normal school hours, it is completely optional and the environment will be more casual to allow students to ask any questions they need too. Please let me know if any of you are interested before the next time we meet. If you do not let me know then I cannot guarantee that there will be a seat available."

Everyone is quiet. Maybe not sure what to say. Casually, Severus crosses his legs.

"Each and everyone one of you have the ability to perform well in this class. Up until now, teaching was not my primary concern. If the content did not come easily to the students, then they were left behind. It's too late to completely right that wrong, but I can give each of you the opportunity to have the teacher that my students deserved. I cannot say that the remedial lessons will be easy. For some of you that require little additional assistance, it will only help marginally. For some of you it will be much more difficult but as I said, this is completely optional." He looks to each of us again. "You are dismissed." He says.

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