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While the guys was busy doing club business and we was all on lock down I decided to gather up all the kids and put them in front of the tv and put old cartoons on.

when looney toons cartoon came on I seen it was Taz.

I sat back and held Abel,& Thomas in my lap while Ellie and Kenny was sitting on wither side of me.

We was so lost in the show we didn't even hear the guys coming in.

the kids was laughing at how Taz was talking and spinning around.

"I love this cartoon"  I faintly heard

"me too, lets join them" another said

before I know whats going on everyone is joining us in front of the tv. Ellie and Kenny moved to sit with Opie while Happy took Ellie spot next to me and wrapped his arm around me holding me close.

the kids started laughing again when Taz was yelling at Daffy for playing an instrument.

I smiled as I looked at the kids before I looked over at Happy and pecked his cheek before going back to the show.


when the kids started to wear down they was taken off to a room they was sleeping in while Happy and I curled up closer and kept watching cartoons.

"whats this one?" Koz asked

"its still Taz" I replied not looking from the screen

"can I join you two?" he asked

"sure" Happy says

Koz went to sit beside me so I tucked my feet up to my but giving him more room.

"haven't seen this cartoon since I was kid" Koz says

 "then shh and watch it" Happy replied

I smirked at his reply as I laid my head on his shoulder and finished our cartoon.

"Oh can I join?" 

"Hush and sit down, don't talk" Happy replied

"yeah cartoon time" tig says

I giggled

"Shut it tigs and sit down man" Happy says

"sorry" tigs says as I sit before me and leaned back against the couch and watched the cartoon.

Which is how we spent a great majority of our night. doing nothing but watching cartoons. half the guys would come to join till a croweater came and lead them away.

once everyone was gone it was back to me and Happy.

"and then there was two" I comment

"yea, now shush" happy says

I reached up and squeezed his cheeks and laughed before I dropped my hand and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"sorry, Happs" I replied

he just shook his head at me before kissing the top of my head.

"its ok doll" he replied

nothing was said after that.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now