gxg bonus #2

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I've been seeing Gemma for almost a year to a year in a half. I've heard what's all happened with her and to her by her piece of shit ex husband. Her son's cock warming wife who thinks just cause she's a doctor  & fucking Jax the v.p of the sons that she has a right to open her mouth on Gemma.

We'll they've never met me yet. but I'm sure when some of them met me they'd wish they never did.

cause regardless of not knowing or dating Gemma when those occurrences or shit happen but I am now and I'm not someone you wanna piss of or fuck with people I love and care about.

I headed over to Gemma's garage that she has her worthless ex as part of the name but wont be that way for long.

I parked by Gem's SUV and headed towards the clubhouse since the garage was empty.

When I walked close to the door I heard Gem talking or trying to but someone who I assume is her son wouldn't let her get a word hardly in.

"Will you shut up or I'll smack the fucking blonde off your head," Gem says

I laugh silently before I walked in gaining everyone's attention.

when Gem turned around I grabbed her by her waist pulled her to me and kissed her hard. 

"Holy fuck I'm hard now" I heard which makes Gemma pull away and go to say something but another person cut her off.

"your always horny you dirty fucker"

I looked at who was talking and seen a older handsome gentleman who's got the Scottish accent.

"well its a living fantasy of mine so can you blame me?" curly black hair asked

"this is who I was trying to tel lyou about" Gem says

"who is she?" a tall guy wearing a black beanie asked

I took him in and I instatant;y wanted to climb his tall ass like a tree.

"this is my lover" Gemma says

"Holy fuck" I heard

I looked at who spoke seeing a guy with a mowhawk and tats on his head.

"I thought you was trying to sat me up" Jax says

"no she wasn't though she and I have a grand agreement with each other. that being that she can fuck Nero and I can fuck any of you guys but Jackson should I want to." I finally talk

"I volunteer" curly black hair says

I smiled and creassed his face.

"I think him and I will have fun when I get a hold of him fully huh baby?" I asked looking at Gemma

She nods her head

"he's a horn dog baby" she says

"my favorite" I replied

"well Gemma are you gonna introduce us to her?" Scotty asked

" Everyone this is my lover Onyx. no she's not a stripper she just loves the gemstone. "Gem tells them

"Onyx this is Chibs,Tig,Opie,Jax,Happy, Koz,& Juice" she says

I looked at the guy she would gesture to as she named them off.

"Looks like wild pleasuring nights for me in nights to come minus your son" I comment 

she laughs.

"Never had all them just a little fun with Tig" she says

I nodded my head as I looked back at her and pecked her lips before I sat on the stool behind me and lifted her up on my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"so hows MC life?" I asked

"great" Juice says

"total enjoyment when on the open road" Opie the tall giant says.

"pleasing" Tig says

"better than a woman?" I asked

"depends" Chibs replied


 "if she a freak in the sheets or a plain boring fuck" Happy says

I looked at him and I seriously wanted to smother him with my dripping pussy as his Tongue plunges deep inside of me while Opie gets that dick I'm almost positive is big like him sucked and Tig takes my ass.

I chuckled 

"sounds like pornstars and croweaters as you all call them for the MC" I replied 

He nodded his head

"it is love" Scotty says.

I sat there getting to know them all and them to know me ...well what I wanted them to know of me cause I know they were hiding shit so it's only right I do the same.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now