Bugged part 1

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Since moving to charming and renting this cute little bungalow house I've noticed something odd. So me being the inspector that I am I grabbed my work toys and started searching for things that dont belong.

I found four cameras, three mics, and other bugged devices. Which pissed me off. My landlord has no damn right bugging my place and h will fucking hear about it.

I put the items that I had in a bag before I headed out turning my toy off before I climbed into my car putting my toy and Items in the seat next to me before I pulled out of my driveway and headed towards the place I heard my landlord hangs out and works.

Didn't understand why he'd work in the garage if he's renting apartments and houses out. I mean surely he's making enough with deposit and monthly rent. But apparently, he gets bored easy and needs to get busy.

Pulling into the lot I parked my car and grabbed the items as well as my toy putting my toy in my puse along with the items before I locked my car up and headed towards the office of the garage.

I knocked on the door and waited for the guy to notice me.

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"Is there a mister filip Telford here by any chance?" I asked

"May I ask who you are?" he asked

"Ms. Felinagan" I replied

"I'll be right back. Please take a seat and i'll go find him" he says as he walked past me and into the door across the lot where there was a ring and picni tables.

I walked over to bench that wasn't to far from my car.

"Ms. Felinagan, to what pleasure do i owe ya?"

I stood up and looked at my landlord.

"In what legal way is it for a landlord to have cameras,mics, and other bugged devices in the house they are renting out?"

He looked a bit taken back

"Its not legal which is why I dont do it"

"Oh really?" I asked

He nodded his head so I reached into my purse and pulled out the bagged items.

"Then please explain why these was found in my house that I'm renting from you?" I asked as I handed the bag to him

"I didn't know about any of this. I'd never invade anyones privacy thats my renter" he says

"Well sir these was in my house and I'm wanting out of my contract. I mean who knows how many other of your places are bugged."

"You cant break the agreement" he says

"And you arent allowed to bugg my place with out my knowledge yet it happened and here we are."

"Lass I didnt bug ya place" he says

"Who the fuck did?"

At the monment some other men walked over.

"Is there a problem here?" blonde asked

"This is between this gentleman and I no one else" I say

"He's our brother you have business with him then you have it with us" blondie said

I didnt turn my attention from my landlord.

"I'm not one to cause trouble for anyone but when my privacy is invaded then I will. And if you dont tell me why this was in my house that you are renting to me then I'll take this to the cops and see if they can get you talking" I warned

" I'll handle it no need for cops" he says

"I will appoligze if I am coming off as a bitch when your being calm but how would you feel if someone has cameras in your house watching you change and do other personal things in a place you feel safe?"

"No I understand completely. And I'd be pissed like you are" he says

I sighed and shook my head.

"Am I the only one whose been bugged or is the rest of your renters bugged?"

"I honest havent got a clue. I didn't know about these. And I'm not sure how you found them but if you will work wit hme and help me out with this we can get to the bottom of this."

"Your lucky 'm track with tracking things and people."

"Is that a threat?" Blonde asked

"Will you please butt out. I'm not harming him. My privacy was in vaded at my house and I'm dealing with my land lord."

I looked at the guy who kept interfering.

"you're on my property i can get in any buissness that's taken place on here" he says

"Fine" I snarled before looking at Mr.Telford

"When you can handle this matter by yourself I'm sure you can find me . till then this discussion is over. I'm done with nosy ass holes" I say and walked off getting into my car and leaving.

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