higher than you (made into a story)

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Jax informed me of the constant bullshit an agent Sthal was giving the sons. so I did some research and digging on her learning of her past and all the shit she had done. with my line of work I could go so deep I could practically tell you who she's fucked to lose her virginity.

I headed over to pay my man a visit when low an be hold who showed up and runs her mouth.

she runs her trap like she's queen pussy or some cocking bull but she isn't shit.

"You run your mouth like your a badass mother fucker when your nothing but a desk worker whose stepping where she isn't allowed" I voice

 she looks at me like and smirks

"I'd watch what I say if I was you" she says

"I don't need to. your below me and I rank higher than your ass. so it be you to watch what they say cause trust me you open your mouth and say something I don't like then I'll fuck your life up so damn good you wont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out nor a pussy to eat" I tell her

she walks over and gets in my face as the others gather around to watch the whole thing.

"who do you think you are?" she asked

"I tell her just who the fuck I am and her face pales in the realization of just how powerful I am.

"see you've been spending to much time bothering the sons for something that's not your case and or any of your concern. hell, you had an innocent woman murdered and for that, your badge will be stripped. you as of now are no longer an agent. you are just a big mouth civilian that these men can treat you as they wish." I tell her

 she looks from me to the in fear.

"No please don't" she begs.

"hand over your gun and badge right now," I tell her

"Please I'll do anything" she drops to her knees and begs before she starts crawling.

"I said hand over your badge. I've made up my mind and your history" I tell her

she relctuanly stands up and hands her badge and gun over.

"Now civilian June sthal. good luck with these guys since you've fucked them over countless times and one has vengange for the murder of his wife" I say before the have two prospect grabbed her up gagged her and toss her in the van

"take her to the warehouse  and get her ready" Clay ordered 

they do as told while the others are cheering as I made a quick call telling the atf that the agent shall gave up her gun and badge before taking her life out of fear. they didn't question me just told me they send someone to pick up her gun and badge at the charming police station.

after I hung up I heard 

"bout time you sticking your dick where its useful" 

I looked and shook my head at Gemma.

"is that any way to speak of your daughter in law whose carrying your grand babies?" I asked

she looked at me in shock.

"what?" she asked then slapped Jax

"ouch. why did you hit me for?" he asked

"you didn't tell me she was pregnant and you married her" Gemma replied

I laughed as I walked over and hugged Gemma.

"lets go talk about your grand babies" I tell her as I hand the gun and badge to Unser letting him take them to the police station.

She and I walked off leaving the guys to celebrate.

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