Crazy ride

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It was mine and Gemma's idea to have a fun girl's night since the others wanted to just sit at Jax and Tara's place and just drink cosmos and complain about work and shit.

Gemma came up with the whole having a race in Town square while I suggested we use motorcycles.

After thinking it over and realizing the fun we'd have all the others agreed. So we loaded up in Gems suv and off to the place that rented motorcycles.

Once we showed that we could, in fact, drive a motorcycle they handed over the keys and that's when the fun began.

We all raced towards the town square and where the idea of having a little race or just go wild came to play.

We agreed to stay off the grass and make sure not to ruin or damage any of the buildings or property and that if we left tracks then we'd go in on paying for it to be cleaned.

Little did we know that without wild riding and just having fun that we had some of the town's attention and they were watching as were some of the cops.

"Give it less than ten minutes before one of the cops if not Unser gets our guys here," Gemma says

"They won't ruin my fun. Ol man or not" I replied

"Damn right baby," she says

With that, we both went on with our riding and having fun. We knew how to be wild as well as safe.

I noticed that some of the girls weren't racing around and that they were within distance of their old man.

I looked over and seen my blue eyed lover and winked before I kept racing Gemma.

"Alright, Gemma time to end your little race" Clay called out.

We had already planned what we were gonna do should the guys show up it was only a matter of time if the other girls were gonna join in on the last ride as we called it.

"Come on sugar, parties over," Tig says

"Really Tara you're being reckless," Jax says

"I'm not being reckless," she stated

"Let's go Lyla," Opie says

" Come now lass," Chibs said to his old lady Mina

"Oh come on Scotty dont ruin the fun baby" she replied

"I'll give up if you can catch me" I called out before turning my bike around and sped off with some of the other girls.

I could hear some of the townspeople cheering along with some of the cops that weren't so hard up. Along with the sounds of Harleys firing up and chasing after us.

After splitting I headed back to the bike shop slowed down and pulled in returning the bike and showing there was no harm done to it before I got my money back.

I stood aside as the others that were being chased came and done the same before we got in Gem's car and took off.

The guys rode right past us before they caught on to it and turned their bikes around.

Once we pulled into TM we girls took off inside bypassing the ones that didn't stay long to enjoy the chase.

I could hear Happy's ol lady laughing as she watched the whole thing.

I headed up to the roof after disappearing into the clubhouse and waited for Tiggy.

"Now why must you start a ruckus for?"

I giggled as I felt Tig wrap his arms around me.

"Oh come on it was fun. And the chase made things even better" I replied

"It was entertaining watching you handle that bike baby. But my brother's aren't too happy with you ladies"

"Casue they dont know how to have fun."

"Might be so, but as my old lady you have to behave better."

I pushed out of his arms and walked off. I went down the ladder and into the clubhouse. My mood went from happy to pissed off.

"Come on darling dont be mad" Tigs tried

I just glared at him.

"You know how to be an ol lady and how to act."

"We arent the royal family. We are a club family. So the whole acting properly or a certain way doesn't fit."

He sighs and rubs his temples

"What you ladies did was crazy" Clay says

"We just took one night. One night to be a little crazy." I said hold up one finger

"A little crazy my ass. You did things that we'd never seen you all do before" Opie says

"We did this one time thing cause we knew that's all the chance we'd ever get. We also knew that by tomorrow after things calmed down from the whole uproar or disagreement you all as well as us would have that we'd be back to being the proper ol ladies that you guys want us to me. Well those of us that dont have attitudes and snarky remarks about shit" I replied

"Did you girls get the crazy out of your system?" Clay asked

"I didn't but that's what got Tig's attention in the first place."

"Will you do this shit again?" Alex asked

I looked at the other girls before looking back at him.

"I told you all we only did this for tonight during our girl's night cause we knew the next day it'd be like nothing ever happened like we were still the perfect obedient ol ladies you all wanted. And like I added the ones that dont have an attitude" I answered

"I will admit it was entertaining to watch you ladies handle them bikes. But next time you all have ladies night do something that doesn't involve racing bikes and us chasing you" CLay suggested

"Now where's the fun in not being chased by our ol man? " Mina asked

Smirked as he wrapped her up in his arms.

"I mean it."

We girls threw up our hands and smiled

"Alright," we all say

"But next time you all sit at Jax bored outta your mind drinking Cosmos and see how far that gets you," Gemma says

I chuckled before I walked over and gave her a hug and kiss on her cheek before I waved bye to the others as Tigs and I left.

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