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"Look I'm not asking you for much just get some girls together and go put a show on at the Son's clubhouse so they can see that my girls do more than an escort. that they can be dancers or performers." Nero says

I looked at him and thought about it.

"Alright, but they give me shit I'm kicking their ass. I'm doing this as a favor nothing more or less"

He nodded in agreement.

I walked off getting the girls that I wanted to work with and told them what was going to happen. when they agreed to do so we started practicing what we was gonna do as a performance.

it took a couple of weeks before the routine was perfected.

I told them how I'd like them to dress and when we'd meet and get ready to head over.

Once all that was taken care of, I went and spoke with Nero who told me he had already gotten everything set up at the Son's clubhouse.

Now here we are getting ready to put on the performance before all the sons and visiting charters as well as some prospects, crow eaters, and a few ol ladies.

I made sure before I came out that everything for my corset outfit was fastened and could withstand the motions.

I made sure before I came out that everything for my corset outfit was fastened and could withstand the motions

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When the lights turned on to us we had our backs to everyone as the song started. we moved slowly and sexually swaying and dipping our hips with the snaps. 

When we turned around the guys cheered and whistled as we started to move forward continuing to dance.              

                                 (similar to the way they are in the video)

We listened to the cheers and whistles as we continued on with the routine.

"e-x-p-r-e-s-s, love , sex, ladies, no regrets" we mouthed along with the words

Turning our backs to the audience we bend forward shaking our asses before we dropped down and slowly stood back up shaking our ass as we kept bent over before standing back up and looking over our shoulders and bit our finger.

In a way I felt bad for doing this while there was married men or men that was taken yet here they are enjoying this show Nero asked me to do so that makes  the whole feeling bad not actually that bad. 

I'm doing this for a friend as a favor for him knowing he'll owe me when I come calling for my favor in return.

I stood in the middle of the girls facing the crowd while the girls that was in front of me faced away and the one behind me was facing towards the crowd.

They put their hands on me and slowly walked around me swaying their hips. When they dropped their hands the ones before me spread apart nd I moved up to stand between them and turned to the side as did they and the others.

When the lights started to flicker as the song was coming to its end we ruffled our hair swayed our hips, shook our asses, before we turned away and struted back to where we stood at the start.

When the light and song went off the audience went crazy.

I smiled and whispered congratulations and thanks you to the girls before the lights came back on.

"thank you for that grand performance ladies, we will be sure to come find you all when we want more" the head guy who was the president of one of the charter says

"you'll find them at Diosa where Nero is expanding past Excorts to dancers" I replied

We all walked off to mingle or leave.

"Exuce me Lass" 

I turn and seen a gentleman with scars on his face.

"yes?" I asked

"Ah wis juist wanting Tae say Ah enjoyed yer performance "

I smiled as I fully faced him.


he returned the smile while nodding.

"well thank you scotty" I replied

"name's chibs" he introduced himself

I told him my name as I shook his hand.

"Kin ah git ye a drink?"

"got Jameson or Guinn?"

"O' course "

"well I'll take both then."

He nodded and excused himself before walking off.

I found an opening on the couch so I sat down and waited for Chibs to come back.

He walked over carrying the whole Jameson bottle with a bottle of Guinn.

I sat up and helped him since he was carrying whiskey glasses.

"Ah ne'er met a lassie that prefers Irish heavy 'n' whiskey Ower girly drink 'n' plain heavy," he says

"well I'd take Irish over any other any day"

nodded his head as he filled the whiskey glasses with Jameson then handed me my Guinn before he set the Jameson down.

"Cheers to ye."

I picked up my glass and clinked it to his before downing the drink.

"Ah think a'm in love "

I smiled as I set the glass down before chasing the whiskey with Guinn.

"A'm definitely in love."

I just winked at him before placing the Guinn bottle that was now empty down.

"let's go git hitched noo "

"I'm game" I tell him

he grabs my hand and the Jameson before standing up pulling me along with him ass he walked over to one of his brothers and spoke something to them making the guy smile and nodded before he walked past us while Chibs walked out with me making sure the cap was on the whiskey tightly and put it in his saddlebag before he gestured for me to get on his bike.

I climbed on and waited for him to climb on before wrapping my arms around him. he reached a helmet back towards me before fastening one on himself. he started up his bike and pulled out of the lot.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I held up for the ride.

It wasn't long till two of his brothers came and joined us as we headed to vegas I assumed to get hitched.

Once we married we headed back and went to his place where we consummated our marriage.

"Who knew roleplaying and me dancing could quicken us getting married" 

" Ah wis gonnae mairie ye Regardless o' that performance," he says

I leaned up and kissed him.

"it just quickened the whole thing" I joked

He held me to him and kissed me much more.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now