Bar eat out

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I was prepping the bar getting it ready for when the party moves from the outside to in the clubhouse when Mr.Trager had plans for my labia and core.

While I was in the process of wiping down the bar top Tig was burying his face in my labia as his tongue plunged deeper inside my core and he started tongue fucking me.

I reached down with one hand and flipped up my skit before fisting his hair and started to ride his tounge.

soft moans and whimpers filled the emptied air before the sounds of everyone coming inside took over.

"I swear to you Alex if someone sees you here and draws attention I'm gonna lock your dick in a charity" I warned

he paid me no mind just grabbed my as and spread my cheeks as he started licking from the bottom up repeating the gesture over and over.

I was so happy that the drinks that were being requested were within reach and that I didn't have to move from Tig's glorious mouth. 

As I filled up the drinks I filled up Tigs mouth with my Orgasm.

He knew that I could hold back from moaning to draw attention to me getting pleasured so he'd purposely get me around people and eat me out of taking me from behind and nail my ass knowing that people were close by and I wanted to be verbal but I wouldn't draw attention to us and risk people seeing what belong to me and Tig.

I had to keep from fisting Tig's hair and pushing him deeper inside of me. I also had to keep from humping and bouncing so no one who sat at the bar or was paying attention would notice and get suspicious.

"Awright lassie have ye seen tig?" Chibs asked

"Not since I got here" I fibbed

"that's not like tig to miss out on parties" Juice voiced as he got into the conversation.

I simple shrugged my shoulders before I took the drink orders of the people at the bar.

It was at that time when I squatted down to get some more beers that Tig fucking pulled the tongue tornado on my ass and I all but fucking dropped the beers.

I stood back up and served the beers to those who wanted it and filled up a glass of Jameson for Chibs before sending them off while others came over wanting something.

Half the croweaters wanted girly drinks which required a lot of moving which just filed Tig on eating me out much more. 

I've come so far a total of ten times. my poor kitty was sensitive which Tig knew and he was using it to his pleasure.

Once everyone had their drinks and was started to vanish with some pussy or going home I moved from Tig backing up against the back wall and looked at him.

He just stood up and was sponsoring a huge shit eating grin.

"You did lovely baby. I'm very proud of you" he tells me

"You didn't play fair. you know how much I like being verbal and screaming your name with you eat your favorite meal. yet you played me right before everyone knowing I'd never draw tension to us and what was going on."

He walked over to me and smirked before he titled my head up and started kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around him and fisted his hair as the taste of myself filled my mouth.

Since being with Tig I've gotten used to being freaky and into some kinky shit. Yea I have limits on what I'll do but that's not very much.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now