Gender revel ( Opie)

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Opie hands down has so much experince having kids since he has Kenny and Ellie that he's done a damn fine job of raising. 

I on the other hand don't have that much experience. yes, I've stepped up and Helped with Ellie and Kenny when Donna left Opie and them but I wasn't there to experience the newborn stage to where they are now. 

"Hey baby" Opie greets as he leaned down and kissed me

I kissed him back

"hi love" I replied

He greets Kenny and Ellie before coming over and sitting beside me rubbing my belly.

"so what do you think our little one or ones will be?" he asked

"I want a girl" Ellie says

"no a boy" Kenny says

"then we'd be out numbered"Ellie says

"so would dad and I "Kenny says

"what about you dad?" Ellie asked

"not really sure" he says

"how bout you ma?" Kenny asked

"either one is fine with me. heck both would be perfect to" I replied

they nodded in agreement.

"Well we should head on over to Gem's and see what she sat up for the reveal" Opie says as she gets up and helps me up.

"I'm ready when you three are" I tell them as I walked over or more so waddled over slipped on my flats and waited

they all three came over and the kids put their shoes on since Opie never took his boots off.

We took his truck over to Gemma's and greeted everyone as she told us to head to the back while she to Ellie and Kenny upstairs.

When they came back I seen that part of the shirt was covered and I smiled loving how Gemma was having or had them take part I nthis reveal so they aren't left out.

"alright well we can do the revel now or later" Gemma says after we ate and played a few games.

"now" everyone says

"ok Ellie you and Kenny stand where I asked you too" Gem says

 so they go and stand where she had asked them and faced us.

"now on three Ellie you'll remove the paper on your shirt then you Kenny" she says

"alright" they both say

"One" she says

"two" me and Opie say

"three" we al lsay in unision.

When Ellie removed the paper from her shirt it showed

When Ellie removed the paper from her shirt it showed

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Blue hand print

then Kenny removed his as people cheered himself inculded.

He revealed

a pink handprint 

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a pink handprint 

"Well you both got what you wanted," Opie says

Ellie and Kenny jumped up and down before hugging one another as ever congratulated Opie and me.

I looked at Opie and kissed him.

"now we even number family," I say

"perfect," he says then kisses me.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now