Are kidding me (part 2)

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Since leaving Jax after his little childish shit for of us having twins I've had them and they are both perfect. 

I do keep in contact with Gemma so she'd be able to come and see her grandbabies.

neither my son nor daughter has the Teller fate. so there was no issue during birth, everything went smooth sailing.

Now here I am with my little six month old babies taking a trip to see Gemma since she's made the most trips to see us.

If I'm being honest I do miss everyone and sadly that includes Jax and his childish ass.

I mainly miss Abel. love his little heart. I bet when I left he was heartbroken as much as I was for leaving. Hell if I couldn've I would've taken him but Jax would've had hunted me down to get him back.


I pulled in the lot parked and climbed out. grabbed the diaper bag putting cross body than I got my babies out making sure their car seat covers were closed.

 grabbed the diaper bag putting cross body than I got my babies out making sure their car seat covers were closed

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before I shut the door and locked it as I headed towards the garage.

"Well look at you Momma."

I smiled as I looked at Opie who met me half way and gave me a hug I smiled and kissed his cheek since I had my hands full.

"how are you doing?" he asked

"I'm doing really good, how are you ?" I asked

"I'm doing great." he says

"I'm glad." I tell him

 he kissed my temple before walking off while I continued to the office thinking I'd see Gemma but I seen my ex husband instead.

"Gemma here?" I asked

He looked up from some type of paper work. he looked at me then what I was holding before looking back.

"Club house" he says

I nodded my head before I turned and headed off. Luckly the door was open.

"Wel hello there baby doll" Tig greets coming over to kiss my cheek and hug me.

"there's my grand babies" Gemma says as she comes and takes the carriers and sets them on the table before Opening the cover to little man's car seat.

After I greet Tig I walk over and open little lady's cover and take her out carefully and hand her to Gemma.

"they are beautiful lass." Chibs stays as he walks over and wraps me up in a hug.

"thank you." I replied hugging him back

After him, it was Piney, Clay, Juice,  Happy, & Kip.

"has he seen them?" Opie asked

"No. and you could've told me gemma wasn't in the garage office you tall tree" I replied

He smiled.

"he needed to see what he fucked himself out of." Opie says

I shook my head as I watched the others look and hold my little babies.

"you seeing anyone?" Tig asked

"the only people I see are my babies and Gemma when she comes other than that no I'm not dating. they are my main worry and I'm not gonna deal with childish behavior again." I replied

they snorted in laughter knowing what I was referring to.

When my babies started fusing I took them and walked over and at on the couch. Gemma came over and helped me with the cover while I messed around with my shirt freeing my breast for my babies to feed.

Once they latched on I sat back.

"thank you." I say

"How do you do that alone?" Kip asked

"I manage" I replied 


" and generally I don't use cover up but since I'm around a bunch of horny men I'm not risking it." I joked

"Funny love" Tig says

"we all know you wanna see her breastfeed her babies" Juice replied

"its natural" Tig tries

"natural for you to ogle my baby momma?" Jax says as he made his presents known.

"no, for her to breastfeed." Tig says

Jax says nothing else as he walks over and sits beside me.

"how are they?"

"good" I tell him as I shift a bit.

"how's my little guy. I miss him so much?"

"He misses you as well and wouldn't talk to me for the longest time cause I made you leave." 


"he's coming by in a few" Gemma says

I smiled.

'Cant wait to see my little bub."

"he will be happy to see you."Jax says

I smiled before I carefully moved my babies from my breast to my shoulder where I was gonna burp them but Gemma walked over taking little lady and burped her while I burped little guy.

"they are very beautiful. and I'm a fuck up for the shit I pulled" Jax says

"thats a nice way to put your childish shit you pulled." 

"may I hold him?" Jax asked

I looked at him for a minute before I handed him his son.

I fixed my shirt and removed the cover while Gemma walked over and handed out daughter to Jax.

"you're here."

 I looked up and see Abel running right for me. I smiled as I stood up and picked him up giving him a great big hug and getting one in return.

"I am here," I tell him

"I missed you. will you be coming back home?" he asked

"it's up to daddy. and I missed you as well" I tell him

"Daddy will let you cause he's been said crying and missing you." Abel says

I sat back down and look at Jax.

"He's right," Jax says not daring to deny it.

"I'd  come back for Abel cause you'd have a hell lot of making up to do for that stunt."

Jax nodded his head.

I sat there introducing Abel to his brother and sister. while everyone watched for a bit before leaving us be while they went to the garage.

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