you gotta meet her (made into a story)

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Opie's pov~

I had lost Donna roughly a year ago. and in that time that I took off after her funeral to collect myself, I did more than that. I found myself a beautiful angel who I never knew would possibly come into my life. but to me its as though Donna somehow sent her to me even after I lost her (Donna) just a week before.

When the angel walked into my life I fell madly in love with her. She showed me ways to be loved and she showed me that regardless of losing our significant other as she and I both had that it's ok to love another. that they be happy for us and they'd not want us to suffer or be alone.

We've been together for half a year almost and I can't wait for everyone to meet her. I mean Kenny and Ellie took right to her. Now its everyone else that needs to meet her.

I pulled into the T-M lot with a wide smile on my face with my soon to be ol lady to arrive here soon so everyone can meet her.

I headed over to the garage clocked in and busied myself with working on cars. when I hear a family sound of my angels car I stopped what I was doing.

 I walked out and greeted her before wrapping my arm around her waist.

"come on you guys. you gotta meet my angel" I called out

They all came out of the garage while my dad came out the the clubhouse.

"who?" Jax asked

"my angel the woman who helped me in so many ways with grieving Donna. the angel whos brought light back into my life" I tell him before I looked at my said angel and smiled when she blushed.

She goes to offer her hand but no one takes it so she drops it and I looked at the upset.

"why is no one greeting her, she isn't a pornstar or croweater?" I asked

"we are leary," Jax says

"Of what?" I asked looking at him

" she's not a nark or anything of the sort," I added

"Hello I'm Piney Opie's dad" my father says making his presents to my angel known.

"Hello Piney, its nice to meet you. I'm am so pleased to meet the man who raised this kind hearted giant." my angel says as she and my dad shake hands.

"I tried" my dad says

 "Well from what I have seen and know you've done a hell of a job" my angel says

 she and my dad walk off getting to know one another while I star ate the people whos like family to me.

"I don't like you all being rude to her when's done nothing to you all for you to treat her in such way." I say

"we are worried this is to fast Opie" Jax says

"Was it to fast when you got back with Tara after she tried to make you choose between her and this club but you got back with her and have even went and knocked her up. was it to fast then or does it not matter only cause of who you are. and as long and Jackson is happy who gives a ras ass about Opie." I say

"How did you two meet?" Gemma asked

I smiled as I looked at her

"When I left to clear my head I headed out of town and I ran into the poor girl literally. I was quick to grab her before she busted her ass on the pavement. and when I apologize she assured me it was fine that she was just as much at fault as I was for not looking where I was going. from that point forth we got to know each other, I learned that she understands what I'm going through cause hr husband was murdered in cold blood as well for being part of the wrong crowd. " I replied

"has see met Ellie and Kenny?" Tig asked

"yes and they fell in love with her just like I had and not one of them was rude to her when she was nothing but nice to them." I answered

"Opie I don't find it rude not to shake her hand when I'm covered in car grease" Chibs says

 I sighed and shook my head before walking off towards where my dad and angle went only to see she had met Kip,Happy, Koz, and Juice. the all was hitting it off better then the others outside.

"still don't wanna come meet her?" dad asked

"No and its their loss" I replied as I walked over and wrapped my arms around my angel.

"I am sorry that your friends don't like me Opie," she says looking up at me from her seat.

"its not your fault they wanna miss out on meeting a true angel. that they have their heads up Jax's ass or their own" I said not caring about their reaction to what I said should they happen to be close by.

She nodded her head and stood gave me a kiss before she said her goodbyes to everyone as I walked her out.

"I'll stay clear of this place and them I don't want drama or anything to happen casue of their ditaste for me. So I will be seeing you at home or when ever you are free" She say as she pecks my lips climbs into her car and leaves.

I shook my head not believing how my so called family was treating her. until they can treat her with respect they better not expect me to treat anyone of their girlfriends, or who ever with respect cause it wont happen. the only reason I'll respect Caly is cause he's the club prez.  hell even then I don't respect him.

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