Staking my claim

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I swear My beautiful giant didnt know what he does to women. In a way, I'm perfectly fine with it cause then I can show him just what he does to his woman and not care what he does to other women. 

 Luann decided to invite everyone to a film celebratory party. 

Which is where we have been for the past half hour. 

in that time from when ever Lyla sees Opie by his self or around his brothers she tries her best to get his attention which is a very short span. he's pushed her off and practically told her in the ncest way possible to fuck off but blode toothpick don't comprehend english appenerntly.

"I see someone pornstar is trying to sink her claws where they don't belong" Tara says

"I see a blonde tooth pick about to get a size eight heeled boot up her ass or to her temple" I replied

Tara laughed at that

"it be so enjoyable" she commented

I nodded in agreement as I kept watching Opie nudge or move Layla off.

I was really getting tired of it so I excused myself walked over and hit Lyla away with my hip before I reached up fisted Opie hair and pulled him down to me where I staked my claim on him with a passionate kiss.

He lifted me up by the back of my thighs and held me in his arms.

I pulled away and smiled before looking over my shoulder.

"Oops! I didn't see you there. you may go now his wife is here" I tell Lyla who glares at me before storming off

"someone's jealous," he says

"no, I'm not jealous. I was in a debate between knocking a toothpick hoe out of staking my claim on my hubby. the claimed bit won." I replied

He smiled and placed me back on my feet before wrapping his arms around me and held me close.

"I'm yours and only yours," he says

"Oh darling I know trust me," I tell him

he nodded his head while I turned in his arms so my back was against him and I placed my hands over his and winked at Tara who held her drink up to me.

When the party started to wind down Opie and I drove home in his truck where I decided we should stay out a little later.

"take the next right and pull all way in then park" I instruct him

He looks at me briefly but does as I instructed him to.

Once the truck is turned off I remove my panties stuffing them in his jean pocket before I reached over and freed his monster from its condiment.

You wanna come over here so I have more room to ridhe you or you want me to blow the horn repeated ly as I bounce?

He came over and I straddled his lip lifting my skirt up a bit before I positioned him at my entry and sank down on him while dropping my skirt.

"So fucking tight regarudlress of the times I've pounded you" he comments

"the tighter the better" I replied before I slowly started to move.

He placed his hands on my hips and I placed my hands on his shoulders and really started to ride him before I removed my shirt and brought his face down to my chest.

He motorboated me before he littered my chest with bites and hickies. 

"Suck my nipples baby."

I leaned back and he took that opening to take my right nipple in his mouth and started suckling while I cleanched around him and moan making him moan and grip his hold tighter.

I laid my head against his as I fisted his hair and rolled my hips bring us both closer to or climax.

One right after the other our orgams came through as we rocked the truck.

He pulled out slapped my as and had me get on my hands and knees before he took me from behind as he fisted and pulled my hair.

I grabbed the back of the driver's seat and gripped the hell out of it while using my other hand to put Opie's hand on my clit while the other held my hip.

He made me see stars by the time he got done with me.

I was so lost in ecstasy I didn't hear him call m name till he slapped my ass making me cry out.

"you ok?"

"Oh yes... I'm ok."

"you spaced out."

"No I was lost in ecstasy."

He chuckled as we both fixed ourselves. him using a clean rag to wipe my core before tossing it in the back then helped me get situated back in my seat while he got back in the driver seat.

"best truck sex I've ever experienced."

"the only one you've experienced."

"that's why its the best."

he leaned over and kissed me before starting up the truck and taking us home.

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