little bonus imagine (gxg so if you dont wanna read it skip it)

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I met Tara when she first came to Chicago. she needed a place to stay and I needed a roomie. 

safe to say things between us exceeded beyond roommates. she and I are not happily engaged and doing perfectly in our careers her being a baby doctor/ surgeon mine being the administrator of the Chicago children's hospital.

We recently left that big city after I took care of Tara's stalker issue permanently. now we are in charming a small town in Big California.

recently she's had a run in with her high school ex and his mother who she's told me so much about and from when I met her I could tell that all Tara informed me of was the truth or close to it.

Tara has gotten threatened by her ex's mother Gemma so many times that I'm about to let Gemma know which of us is the bigger bitch that you don't wanna fuck with.

"Hey baby" Tara called out

"Yea love?" I replied

"Can you take me to teller Marrow to check on my car?" she asked

I grabbed my keys and her hand and left with her.

"of course I can" I replied

So we headed over and she went to get the status of her car.

"look your car will be ready when its ready you don't need to breath down our necks." I heard

"I am just wanting to know when an estimated time is so I can make sure I have the money to pay" Tara says

"trust me you'll have it or you wont get your car" the lady replied

"and who the fuck are you to tell her that she don't get her car. and who the fuck are you to talk to her in such way. what the fuck kind of business is this that you fucing talk down to your customers I mean seriously this must be some low level garage where they rip you off for car repairs since they have no competition" I say making myself known.

"Who the hell are you coming to my company and cussing me out?" 

"I'm someone you don't want to fuck with" I tell her

"is that a threat?"

"its a fucking promise. now you can type into your computer what my fiancee asked you and give her the answer or I will fucking take the car and go else where and trust me I'm just fucking woman enough to do it" I tell her

"so you when from dick to hole. you really are a bitch." 

"so you the person who runs her mouth on my woman talking shit about things you don't fucking know half of the story just what your son informed you." 

She looked at me.

"get off my lot" she says

"gladly" I replied the grabbed the keys to Tara's car and walked out with Tara handing her my keys before I went and got into her car that wants even being looking at it was close to the dumpster.

I pulled up beside Tara.

"lets get out of this trashy place" I tell her then drive off with her following me.

I went out town and they instantly told us what was wrong and fixed it. I paid for the repair then took her car home where she waited for me.

 I walked in and dropped the keys in the bowl.

"so that was the ex's mother?" I asked

"yep. she treats him like he's a child."

"she wants him on her tit all the damn time and trying to run his life. when he should be grown enough to do it himself." I replied

she nodded her head and went to talk but the sounds of a bike pulling up outside stopped her.

 "probably Jax." Tara says

when the knocked I peked and seen a blonde so I opened the door.

"sorry we don't give to the local shitty garage place" I tell him

"She's a handle full thats for sure. and I am sorry bout that. I came to personally apologize." he says

"awe so your Jackson. my woman's ex?" I asked

He looked at me confused before Tara walked up and wrapped her arms around me and I turned my head and kisses her dominantly infornt of him.

"Holy fuck I thought she was bullshiting with me. but its true" he says

I pulled back and looked at him.

"what is it I can do for you Jackson?" I asked

" can I join the whole action?" he asked 

"I'll tell you what should we ever wanna kid we'll hit you up til then your not getting in our sex life" I tell him

"Fair enough." he says

"goodbye, dear Ex of my woman's " I say waving before shutting the door.

"he was adorable. I am a suck for his eyes and thats basically it." I comment making Tara laugh.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now