gender reveal ( Jax)

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Jax is a big kid at heart. he has the tough terrior for the club but when he's home he's an overgrown child that shares so many similarities with me. we watch cartoons we act childish and just have fun being overgrown kids.

Now that I'm pregnant we know this will be a job in a half to do but we also know that we are how we are that things should be just fine. that we have no issue being down to their level or liking something similar to them or getting them to like some things we like.

We are all gathered around behind JT's bike that Jax fixed up and gonna be using to reveal our baby(s) gender.

"alright daddy to be on three" I say

"One" we all count

"two" we continue

"three. rev that bike" I say

When he does the powder flies behind him and its a mixture of colors.

When he does the powder flies behind him and its a mixture of colors

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Both colors are blue

"YEA TWIN BOYS" Gemma cheers

I walked over grabbed Jax's face and kissed him

"Abel and Thomas" I tell him

he smiles and kisses me some more before he turns his dad's bike off and stands before me wrapping his arms around me and kisses more more before we go and join the others.

"JT would be so proud of you baby" Gem says

Jax teared up and smiled I wiped the tears that fell.

"We know their names already" he tells them

"what is it?" Opie asked

"Abel John Teller, and Thomas Opie Teller" I tell them

Opie walks over and hugs us both.

"thank you" he says

"your welcome" we replied

We look at Gem who was crying as she comes and hugs us as well and kisses our cheeks.

"they couldn't be named after any better men" she says

"thats the truth" I replied

she wipes her eyes as she gets everyone to head inside as I stand there looking at Jax and smile.

" our boys are gonna be wild babies but it's nothing we can't handle since the two of us are wild ones" I comment

Jax grins and kisses me before we headed off inside with the others.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now