Oh Hell no

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I was sitting by my ol man Happy as all the families and everyone was there for lockdown. Some reason or another a few crows was there too. & one was fixing to get her ass beat.

I sat watching over the kids that was a distance from me but I could hear everything. So when I croweater was talking shit about Ellie, Kenny, and Abel I fucking lost my shit.

" Oh Hell no" I say as I stood up put my hair up.

I didn't notice the look from Koz or Happy I just took off running and tackled the crow eating whore and walked on her ass before I grabbed a huge fist full lof hair and pinned her to the ground.

"You better fucking apologize to these babies" I told her

"no" she says trying to be tough.

"you think I'm fucking playing. Say your sorry right now or so help me it wont be a pretty out come for you" I said as I yanked her hair making her cry out.

" Okay. I'll say it."

at that time Abel was in Jax's arems while Opie was tending to his kids.

"Well fucking say it" I was getting much more pissed from her taking her sweet ass time.

"I am sorry I was talking bad about your mom and laughing about how you three don't have a mother." she says

When she said that I stood up and dragged her by her hair out the door that Gemma held open. and I toss the trash out.

"get the fuck out of you you worthless piece of shit. you show up here again and we will take care of you" I tell her before I walked back over towards the three kids while Gemma shut the door and followed me.

I knelt down.

"I am sorry you witnessed that. I was just so angery that she'd say something like that you you three. I know I'm not your threes moms but I care about you al also much and I will take care of any and every person who dares to harm you." I tell them

they all escape their dads arsm and tackle me into a hug.

"thank you for defending us." Kenny say

"Yes thank you for sticking up for us" Ellie says

"we love you too" Abel tells me

I smiled and kissed all three of their cheeks.

"I want you three to listen to me ok. i know you three don't have a mom. but if you ever need someone to talk to or give you advise when it seems like your dads aren't listening just ask them if you can come talk to me and I'll be more then happy to help out" I tell them

They all nodded their heads and hugged me before they walked outside with Gemma and a few of the other ol ladies to the play area.

"thank you for that" Opie says

"yes thank you" Jax says

I nodded my head while smiling before I walked over to my ol man and curled up beside him.

"we will allow them to call you if they feel as though we aren't listening," Jax says

"you two have my number or can get it from happy I'm sure" I replied

they smiled before they walked outside to be with their kids.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now