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Working in Diosa doesn't require me to screw any of the customers. My job is to answer calls, schedule "meetings," and greet customers. as well as answer all the questions I can best to my knowledge.

That's how I met him. My beautiful gentle giant or as I sometimes call him teddy bear. He walked in looking for a distraction and I offered him something else. Something I'd hope he'd never regret unlike screwing an escort as most do.

"Hello welcome to Diosa, name's Emberly what can I do for you today?" I greeted him

"Hi I'm looking for a perfect distraction. As you know I'm part of the mc Sons. and with that comes a lot of things. Two years ago I lost my wife and I need to forget about her for a bit" he explained

I knew what it was like to lose a partner. I lost mine four years ago and the pain stays no matter what. And I tried a lot of things to forget about him for a bit. But nothing worked and I regretted them all.

"Can I speak from personal experince?" I asked

"How personal?" he replied

"Four years ago I lost my husband," I tell him

"so you understand?" he asks

"More than anything. So please allow me to offer something more for you. Allow me to offer myself. Not for sex casue that won't heal wounds trust me I tried it and regretted it. But to talk to and to listen. I know how it feels and I know what it's like to try an explain the pain but no one truly understands unless they too experienced it."

He stood there for a moment before he nodded his head

"I get off work in two hours. Do you think you can last that long?"

He smiled and I swear my heart for the first time in four damn years fluttered.

"Yea I can wait. It will be a breath of fresh air to talk with someone who understands my pain."

I quickly jotted my number down and handed it to him.

"Now don't be handing that out to all you brothers. That's just for you" I joke

He laughed a little before he nodded and left.

From that point forth Opie and I were inseparable. We understood each other like no other human being probably could. Or ever would.

We talked about our deceased significant others and felt relieved to be able to have someone whose understanding of feeling empty and hollow.

As we got to express our pain and heartache we found each other in a whole new light. A light where we felt our loved ones that passed was giving us a sign, that it's ok to move on and be together. that it's what they'd want instead of us wallowing in pity or pain from their passing.

Opie and I started to date and we became lovers.

I met his kids and I got attached to them.

I was there for all three of them and they were there for me.

As time went on Mine and Opie's love grew stronger and we officiated it by getting married which was a perfect wedding that I could only dream of.

Now here we are with our five kids and still going strong. No more heartache that could or would've to lead to regret. Just love and understanding as well as support for when the anniversary of their passing came.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now