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After Abel & Thomas went home while Ellie and Kenny went to spend a few nights with their mom I was cleaning up around the house when I saw a toy from where the kids were in here playing.

So I bent down thinking I could reach under the couch and grab the toy but I couldn't reach so lifted it up a bit and reached in grabbing in and got stuck in the process. which left me in a bent angel where Opie found me.

I was tried to get unstuck while he was just standing there laughing.

"Why are you laughing at this instead of helping?" I questioned

"I'm trying to figure out how you got stuck under there" he replied

"and whatever you thought of or pictured made you tickled?"

"Yea pretty much."

"will you help me out here please?"

"what's in it for me?"

I groaned

"what do you want?"

"you naked covered in whipped cream so I can lick it off you while leaving love bites all over you."

I sighed and moved the toy out from under the couch.

"Just get me out of here."

"Will I get what I want?"

"Opie" I cried

"ok. alright, one moment."

I laid there waiting for him to get me out but the dirty fucker pushed his sweats down pushed my dress up over my ass and slipped inside of me.

"Oh! fuck Opie" I moaned 

"you didn't answer about me getting what I wanted so I'll take this."

"fuck. if I wasn't stuck under here I'd give your dick a hell of a ride."

"After I'm done then maybe."

I bit my lip and moaned as he started pounding into me. I had nothing I could grab so I practically clawed the damn floor.

"you mark up the floor your ass will be red" he warned

"What am I suppose to do then huh?"

"fine something to grab."

"you're not being fair."

He didn't say anything just kept pounding into me as he held my waist and shoulder.

 I managed to move my hand back and grabbed hold of his wrist as I land my other hand flatly beside my head.

"You feel so good baby," he says as he let my shoulder go and grabbed my wrist like I was holding his.

"I'm close Opie," I tell him

"hold it a little longer," he says

I whined but nonetheless did just that not like I could do much else.

He trusted a few more times.

"now," he says

I let go and he roard which was sexy as fuck.

"Holy shit that was freaking sexy Harry."

He slapped my ass.

"Not harry."

But I like Harry it's a perfect name for you baby."

"I don't want you to call me that," he says

I sighed and let him go before I started to wiggle wanting free but he didn't let me go.

"stop wiggling or I'll take you again."

"will you get out of me and lift this damn couch off my head damn it" I was getting aggravated

He slipped out of me letting me go before he moved around and lifted the couch. I moved back and grabbed the toy before I stood up and straightened my dress before I walked off tossing the toy in the bin with the others.

"where you going?"

"I need to clean up since my tall Gigantor wanted to fill me to the brim with his baby making cum" I replied

"no don't push it out," he says as he followed me.

I walked from the bathroom to the bedroom. I laid on the bed and lifted me hips taking the rag that I had grabbed started cleaning my lady bits.

"easy Opie I'm not pushing it out I'm just cleaning my thighs and the lingering cum that didnt make it inside."

he walked over and took the rag finishing it up for me.

"Sorry I didn't help you. I seen you presented perfectly and just was thinking with my lower head instead of freeing you."

I looked at him and smiled.

"I actually enjoyed it."

he looked up at me and smiled

"come up here."

he tossed the rag and crawled up my body. I fisted his long hair and pulled him down to me where is started kissing him with so much passion we were both moaning.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now