I'm having your baby (Jax)

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I was walking around a little shop with Abel in the cart when I spoted the perfect little gift for Jax.

"hey bub you think daddy will get the clue?" I asked showing Abel the onesie

"Yea." he replies

"alright" I say before I hand it to him for him to hold as we continue shoping.

Once we purchased all that was needed we headed home and I sat Abel down and watched as he put the Onesie in a secret place till Jax got home and it was show time. 

After I had put everything I bought away I went and played with Abel outside for a bit before I took him in and made us some lunch,

"Okay I will give you a wink as signal for you to get the gift and hand it to daddy ok" I tell Abel while sitting on the couch after lunch.

"Okay" he says

 I smiled as he curled up beside me as we watched some old Disney cartoons.

"I'm home" Jax announces 

Abel takes off running and I hear him greet Jax before Jax greets him.

"Hi momma" he says as he comes and sits beside me after he sat Abel down.

"Hi daddy" I replied leaning up to kiss him when he bent over the back of the couch.

"what have the two of you been up to?" he asked

"shopping, playing in the back yard, watching Disney cartoons" I say then look at Abel and wink

 he smiled before going to get the gift while Jax comes and sits next to me and kisses me again.

"How was work?" I asked

"work was good" Jax says

"here daddy this is for you" Abel says

 Jax looks at him and takes the onesie and opens it up 

"my daddy rides a harley" he reads

"Bud this is to big for you" Jax says

"No daddy not me." ABel says then laughs

Jax looks back at the onesie before looking at me.

I chuckled a bit.

"it's not for Able it's for little teller number two," I tell him

"are you..."

"Yea we are expecting," I tell him

He drops the onesie stands up picks Abel up and tosses him in the air.

"Yea we are having a baby," Jax says as Abel giggles the whole time he's being tossed in the air.

Once Jax sits him back down he sits down and rubs my stomach.

"I love you so much baby" he says

"I love you too Jax" I tell him

He leans down and lifts my shirt kissing my barley noticeable bump before lifting up and kissing me.

"How I didn't notice that before beats me but now that I have I can't wait to watch it grow knowing our baby is in there" he says

"It will be a grand experience" I tell him

"bubby or sissy is in mommy's tummy" Abel says 

"Yea bub they are. or both don't know yet." Ajax says as he lifts up Abel and sits him on his lap and showed him my little bump.

telling Able that as time goes on the little bump will grow so his little sibling or siblings will have room to grow too.

Abel rubbed my little bump and I smiled watching as he did just like Jax and kissed it.

"awe that was sweet Abel," I tell him 

He smiled as I cup his little face and kiss his cheeks then his nose.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now