Mortala (part 2)

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Parking the car amongst others I climbed out just as Happy walked over and started grabbing the bags. before taking my hand and lead me inside. I had to refrain from giggling just looking at the expressions people wore as we headed to where I am guessing we are to stay.

"Alright, Mortala. this is where I crash when I get back too late from runs. or just need to heal after a bad deal." he says as he walks in placing the bags down.

"Looks roomy," I say as I take in the whole small apartment size room.

"It'll do," he says as he shuts the door behind me and wraps his arms around me rubbing my bump."bathroom is through that door to the right, closet, if needed, is diagonal from the bed, & tv is on the other side of the door. I looked at everything he was telling me about before I rubbed his hands and started to unpack everything placing it where its' needing to go.

Happy of course helped me so we'd finish quicker.

"Now the fun part," he says

 I looked at him while smirking before giving him a kiss as we walked out of the room, he locked it and gave me the extra key.

We headed back to where people were watching us when we arrived. Koz saw us and makes his way over greeting us both with a hug.

"How are you two doing?" he asked 

"Perfectly fine. thank you for asking Koz." I replied

He kissed my cheek then walked off going back to where he previously was talking with someone.

"Who's this lovely lady Happy?"

 I turned and seen a dude with long brown hair and a beard looking at me.

"This is Mortala. my wife," Happy says

"no way, since when?" the bearded guy asked in shock

I smiled loving the expression of suprise mixed with shock.

"More than four years" Happy says

"How have we not met her?"

"she and I agreed to keep her hush, hush for important reasons."

He looked at me then Happy still wearing a shocked expression.

" Sorry to stare." he says

"I'm just surprised, I never thought Happy would be married," he says

"it's a reaction I knew a lot of you if not all would have when you first saw me," I replied

"Name's Opie," he says extending his hand

"Hello, Opie" I greet shaking his hand.

"Hello Mortala," he says

"you can call me Tala. it's fine" I assured him

He nodded his head before congratulating Happy then walked off. 

"Alright Killer start talking," some woman with black and blonde hair says as she approaches us with a blonde hair blue eyes guy and a dark brown haired girl.

"get everyone's attention cause I won't repeat myself" Happy tells her

 blonde turns and whistles.

"Shut up everyone Happy wants to talk." he says once everyone looked our way.

"Alright I'm only saying this once so if you dont listen tough shit." Happy starts off

I looked at him with a small smile.

"this beautiful woman by my side is Mortala Lowman. YES, I said Lowman. she's my wife and the mother of my child. so you all better show her some respect and not try to hit on her or think she's some fucking croweater or you'll all be the smiley face I add to my collection." he says

I peck his check as I brush my thumb back and forth over his hand as people stare in shock from what they just learned.

"how long have you been with her?" some other blue eyed guy asked

"more than four years and counting" I answered

 "no shit?"

"I shit you not blue eyes" I shot back

the others laughed.

"where've ye been hidin' her?" a Scottish man asked

"in his dungeon" I joke

he smiles and laughs along with some of the others while Happy shakes his head.

"Oh I'm only teasing with the gentleman," I tell Happy.

"I've been hiding her away at home, keeping her and our baby safe."

"Mainly our baby cause I know how to handle bad situations," I added

"so wait you and him, have been married for more than four years, you're carrying his baby, and no one ever met you from here?" mohawk questioned

"right. the only one that has meet me and knows I existed was Koz. since he and Happy have been working with each other longer than Happy's been with this charater" I replied

"Well welcome to the family" an older guy with an earring says I inclined my head.

"thank you" I say 

after the announcement, everyone goes back to what they were doing before the whole room filled with different questions pertaining me.

"so Mortala ?"

"Tala if you will." I say

"Ok Tala, how long have you been in charming?" the woman asked

"my whole life."

"how come I've never seen you before?"

"military drafted me and I had been overseas more then here."

"what branch?" the other blue eyed guy asked when he stepped over to talk with Happy and me.

"Marines." the other blue hair guy showed me his marine tat that basically all of us have. I smiled and lifted the side of my shirt and turned to show mine off before letting my shirt go and looking at him.

"sister at arms"I nodded my head

"I'm Tig or Alex either one." 

"Hello Tig. nice to me another fellow Marine." I say

"Yea sadly Kozik is one too huh?"

"let me guess the two of you have beef with each other?"

he nodded his head

"over a lover or pet?"

"my German Shepard," Tig says

it was my turn to nod my head.

"I gotcha," I say

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