I didnt know I was engaged (made as a story)

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I was sitting in the Son's club house minding my own business but for the life of me this one dude wouldn't leave me alone. and I never spoke a word to him hoping my radio silence would bore him to go bother someone else but it didn't.

"Look man if you don't leave me alone my fiance will hid your body where no one will ever find you." I tell the dude.

now I'm not engaged to Happy but I know of him pretty well and I'm sure this dude will too when I tell him who I am engaged to.

"and whose your faince?" he asked

"he's literaittly sitting on the other side of me" I replied

when the dude looked to see who was sitting beside me his face paled and he scurried off casueing me to smile as I went back to my drink.

"I didn't know I was engaged."

I looked at Happy.

"Sorry, he wouldn't leave me alone and so I picked a sexy guy who hides bodies and claimed you" I replied

He smiled

"glad to help," he says

I smiled

"How bought I buy you dinner since you didn't deny our engagement and us soon to be wedded couple can learn about one another?" I asked

"depends" he says

"On what?" I asked

"when was we to marry?"

"Well oviiusly on Friday the thirteenth" I replied 

"right cause its a killers day and I'm a killer?"

"No cause Jason Voorhees is a bad ass and who wouldn't wanna get married on his day?"

He shakes his head and gave me a partial smirk.

"alright baby girl I'll bite. but I want more from my faincee" he says

"hunny you can have practically anything as long as I get a taste of you and to feel your roughnes."

the look of shock etched his face which had me grinning.

"you're bold."

I leaned close to him.

"I know what I want and how to go about getting it. so how bout I take you home and have you for dinner instead?" I say before pulling back and looking at him.

"do I get to ravish you?"

"tie me up, use nine tails, get freaky hell fucking choke my ass. just give me your body and you and all will be fine with me."

"yea I'm gonna marry you," he says

"thats why we are engaged already sugar" I say before I leaned back close to him and latched on to his neck and suckled harshly before I bite him and pulled back.

"yummy" I say as I hopped off the stool and sashayed out the club house with him not to far behind.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now