a little fun

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'You guys just be ready for one hell of a visit tomorrow." Gemma tells the guys as we all sit in the club house.

"from who?" Jax questioned

"cant tell, but you'll enjoy it" I replied

"alright well we will be ready" Clay says

Us ladies bid the guys goodbye before we headed out to do last minute shopping for tomorrow and made sure that we had all we was gonna do.

"wait so you're the Duputy and we are your  cops?" one of the girls asked

"yea" Gemma replied

"wh will announce us?" another asked

"I'm sure a prospect will rush the club house and tell before we make it to the door" I replied

"of course" another girl says


the next day we was all at our little meet up location getting dressed in out coup outfits. I had on short shorts with long sleeve zip up top paired with heeled boots. I placed my cuffs one my front like a belt buckle, as I put on my hat and sun glasses before picking up my baton with a handle.

"we all ready?" Gemm asked as she walked out in her deputy outfit

"Yep" we replied

"lets go have some fun" she says

Us girls cheered as we followed her out and loaded into the van.

When we arrived we didn't park the van just pulled up the the side of the club house and all got out from the side while Unser just shook his head at us while smirking.

"have fun, try not to freak them out or cause to many heart attacks" he says before he reversed outta there.

Just like I thought a prospect rushed the clubhouse as we all walked in and stood beside each other.

I whistled gaining all the sons attention and making the music stop.

"alright gentleman hands up against the wall and spread em" us girls ordered

the guys looked at us a little shocked.

"get a move on" we ordered

they did like they was told before we walked up to our men and gave them a pat down. 

"We got a call of noise complaint" one of the girls said 

"we are only partying officer" Tig says

"your disturbing the peace" she replied

"so give us a warning and be on your way" clay says

"I think we need to have individual discussions some of the girls said before Gemma nodded.

So we cuffed up our boys using real cuffs that we bought knowing they'd break from the fake ones with ease. 

We all hauled our men off to their dorms before shutting and locking the door.

I had just turned to look at Opie who sat on the foot of his bed.

"Mr.Winston is it?" I questioned

"it is" he replied

"I heard from your ol lady you have a tendency to chok people mainly her. is that right?" I asked

"makes her cum faster and has her begging for more" he replied 

I held back the smirk as I walked up to him and grabbed him by his throat and pushed his head back as I grabbed his beanie and tossed it away.

"well lets see how much begging you'll be doing" I say before I toss my hat and my shades.

"Holy fuck baby" he says when he looks at me

I smirk and lean down pressing my lips against his roughly before letting his throat go as I stepped back allowing him to take me fully in.

"you like?" I asked giving him a twirl as I slowly moved my hips sexually.

"I fucking love it" he replied

I smiled before I grabbed his Kutte and pulled him to me kissing him hard before I pushed him back casueing him to fall on to his back. 

I got to work on stripping him down before I removed my shorts and unzipped my top and straddled him.

"you have the right to extreme pleasure Mr.Winston any orgasm you cause will be used and held against you as I mark your body and ride your cock hard" I tell him as I sink down on his lap and start bouncing.

"Let me free baby. I wanna touch you" he says

"hush Mr.Winston your under arrest and are not to be freed till I climax at least four times. then I'll sit on your face as you eat me out as your serving time."

"fuck the best type to have. and hell I'll enough this punishment any fucking day" he says

I grinned as I grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him up to me wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him as my walls clenched around him making him growl as he nibbled on my lip before I moved and littered his neck with love bites.

After I reached my fourth orgasm I pulled off grabbed the key and uncuffed him before I shoved him back down crawled up his body and sat on his face allowing him to clean me up.

I moaned and hummed in delight feeling his bear brushing against my thighs as his tongue and mouth drove me to many orgasms.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now