Silent comfort

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I knew the very minute he walked through our front door that something had occurred. So instead of bombarding him with multiple questions, I waited till he removed his boots,& Kutte before I took his hand and lead him upstairs where he laid his Kutte on the dresser before he placed his guns and knives alongside it. 

I walked us to the bed and he just looked at me and I shook my head silently telling him it's not sex I want.

I pulled the covers back while he stripped down to his boxers. I laid down and I tugged him down having me lay on top of me I covered us up wrapped my arms around him and softly brushed my fingers back and forth on his neck as he laid there.

Words were not needing to be spoken at the moment. I was just giving him something he needed which was silent comfort.

I didn't keep track of time as we laid there. and I wasn't worried about time. I was too focused on him to care about anything else.

At that moment anything going on outside of that front door isn't my concern. the only thing that matters is him. 

He fell asleep laying on me within five minutes of me holding him and brushing my fingers along his neck.

Whatever happened that had him not speaking when he walked in the house like he'd generally do was something important or bad. I'm not sure. but I'm sure that if he wants me to know he'll talk with me about it. Until then I won't be nosing around getting on his nerves till he snaps and we fight.

He's content right now and that's how I'm gonna keep him so whatever occured is forgotten for the time being.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now