My Elvira

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Halloween was approaching and I hadn't got time to get me a costume for the Son's annual costume party Gemma likes to host for sons and their families.

So I headed to Lodi to their costume shop grabbed the closest adult costume in my size, seeing it was a dress I grabbed a pair of black heels. 

Once I headed back home I took a look at the dress and smiled seeing it was Elvira the mistress of the dark dress. so put it away saving it for Halloween in three days.

~~3 days later~~

I, after I got dressed and put my hair up like Elvira, wear hers. I did my makeup like she does before I left my place and headed to Gemma's.

Upon arrival I seen that basically everyone was there so I was practically the last of em.

I locked up my car and headed on inside.

"Oh I just love your costume," Lylay says

I smiled in thanks as I gave her a hug. she was dressed like a dead cheerleader.

"You'll have my boy drooling all over you," Gemma says as she walked over, dressed as the wicked witch. she hugged me in greeted me as Lyla had done.

I chuckled.

they both walked towards the kitchen so I followed.

When I stepped into the kitchen I heard whistling. I shook my head smiling as I looked at half the sons in the room.

Chibs is a cowboy, Opie is a greaser, Tiggy is a devil, bobby of course was Elvis, Happy well he didn't dress up. Clay didn't either. 

"Lucky bastard" chibs commented 

"he'll probably have a heart attack" Opie says

"or  act like a horny teenager that's never seen a pair of tits" Tigs says

when the backdoor opened they all looked over and grinned when they saw who it was.

"are we gonna get this party started or what?" Jax asked

"We had to wait for the mistress of the dark to arrive," Gemma says

"well Cleo, the dead fairy, corpse bride, and Hercules is getting impatient outside," Jax says

I turned to face Jax and he looked at me in shock. before quickly trying to cover it but it was too late everyone seen his reaction.

"told you like a teenager who's never seen tits," Tig says we all headed out back where the party was at.

the whole time us adults was having our Halloween party while the kids was at home sleeping after they went trick or treating was fun.

"my Elvira."

I looked at Jax and nodded.

"my dracula" I replied

"what a combination huh?"

" That it is drac" I replied

He wrapped his arms around me.

"this dress really sets off all your best assets" he complments

"more so shows off your favorite part of me" I joked

"what can I say. I'm  guy who loves sleeping on his lol ladies tits" he says

I slap his arm while rolling my eyes.

"but all kidding aside I really wanna take you to my room and make your cry my name as I fill you past the brim of no return."

I swear had it not been nightfall and the outside lights weren't dimmed he would've seen the blush and shiver that etched my body.

Apparently, he felt it cause he leaned close to my ear and nipped it lightly.

"I love the effect I have on you baby."

"and I love how I made you react like a horny virgin teenage boy that's never seen actual tits."

he chuckled before kissing me.

"I do expect after tonight to be in formed of more grandbabies from you two" Gemma said popping up from behind me

"Oh trust me, momma I'm working on it"Jax replied not once looking away from me as he said that.

"Good, then go and get a head start in your old room. I'm wanting babies around here" she says as she all but shoves us towards the hosue.

I snap out of my trance and giggle while Jax and I do just as she said.

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