are you kidding me

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I sat there beside Gemma as Jax lost his fucking shit over the news of us having twins. like it was the end of his life.

I thought when I told him the exciting news he'd be happy. But no... he went ape shit. then Gemma called and said she wanted us to come to the club house since something occurred and they was doing lockdown.

So while I went and grabbed the lockdown bags Jax was already half way to the lot. I shook my head and locked up the house before I climbed into my car and drove off. 

When I walked in I went straight to Jax's dorm room dropped his bag off. then went to an unoccupied one and placed mine there. I picked up the key and locked the door on my way out.

When I walked back into where everyone else besides the kids was I seen Jax pacing while the guys was trying to figure out what was going on.

Gemma motioned me to here and questioned why Jax was pacing. 

"he found out we are to have twins and he lost his shit. he yelled and screaming blaming everything on me. then you called and here we are" I explained

"he yelled at you for you being pregnant with his kids?"

I nodded my head

"what is going on man?" Opie asked stopping Jax from pacing.

"the club is going through major shit and now I'm a dad to be of three kids" Jax says

they looked from him to me then back.

"I don't get why your pacing from great news. I mean you didn't act like this when you learned of Abel. So why is having twins on the way any different?" Opie asked

"are you kidding me man, its a shit show. and its all her fault" Jax replied

"No brother it's both your faults. you laid with her, you didn't wear protection knowing the great risk of that. " Opie says

Jax looked at him in disbelief

"So your siding with her?"

"I'm just telling you stop being angry at her for something that's not fully her fault."

"It is her fault for not being protected. why should I always wear a condom. Hell half the time I don't with croweaters that I still fuck."

With that said I walked to the dorm room I was to use unlocked it grabbed my bag dropped the key where I picked it up and slipped out the back going around to my car and I left. 

I drove for endless miles not caring if he noticed I was gone or not. I was done with him.

When my phone started blaring I knew who it was and at first, I ignored it or ended the call.

But once I got to the empty rest stop I answered his call.

"where in the fucking hell are you. have you lost your damn mind?" he yelled

"It's over Jackson. I'm done with you. you want to blame me for so much shit. when this pregnancy isn't a one way street but two. then you admit to cheating on me countless times. so I'm gonna file for divorce and leave you. you'll never have to worry about me or the two you consider a mistake." I say before I hung up went inside cleaned my face calmed myself down then got back on the road. 

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now