Little escape artist

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I was in the kitchen making me and Abel something to eat while I had him in his little play area gate that had different little gadgets for him to play with. 

I heard him moving about so I peeked into the living room and I couldn't help but chuckle before a grabbed my camera and recorded the little escape artist.

I smirked as I watched him climb over the top and land on the pillow that was nearby.

"you little escape artist, just like your daddy," I say before ending the video

 he looked over at me as I made my way over to him and he smiled cheekily.

 I laughed as I scooped him up and kissed his cheeks.

"You and your daddy are just alike," I tell him

" What are we just alike?" Jax asked

"being escape artist" I replied as I walked back into  the kitchen and placed Abel on a little chair that I had placed on the counter

"He escaped his little play area gate?" Jax asked as he came and scooped Abel up who was very excited to see his daddy.

"Yes, and I caught it all on film" I replied as I went back to making Able and I something to eat. making sure I had enough to share with Jax.

Jaxx laughed before walking back and placing Abel back in the play gate and I cracked up seeing his face.

"he's like dude I already escaped this and you put me right back" I commented which made Jax laugh.

I walked into the living room and handed Jax my plate and sat Abel's down. as we watched him escape the gate the same way he had before.

"We are gonna have to find something better than that play gate so he can't escape," I say as he walks over and I scooped him up and fed him while Jax eats and feeds me.

"regardless of what we get he'll escape it like his daddy does" Jax replied

I smiled and kissed Abel's cheek.

"like father like son," I say

"that's right" Jax agreed before he fed me a bite then gave me a quick kiss.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now