Mortala (3)

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"I'll let you get back with talking to Gemma, nice to finally meet the woman that's married the crazy enforcer," he says

I smiled as I looked over at Happy then looked back at Tig.

"nice to meet you as well brother," I say then shake his hand. he smiled before walking off.

"do you call all Marines brothers?" the girl asked

"half of them yes. ones that got into the service for all the wrong reasons and ruin what we stand for then no." I replied

"I'm Tara by the way," she says

"nice to meet you," I say

"you as well," she says

"I'm Jax. Tara's ol man" he says as he wrapped his arm around Tara's side.I could tell from the look Gemma wore that she didn't approve of the relationship so I took it as Jax is her son.

"nice to meet you as well Jax."

"Likewise darling."

"oh, your the pretty boy who has to smirk, and wink then say the words that half the women wanna hear to get in their pants huh?"

Gemma cracked up laughing while Jax just shrugged

"yea he is" Tara answered

"I can tell from how he talked."

they smiled at that before excusing their selves and walked off to mingle or do whatever they wanted.

"my turn lass."I looked at the Scottish man.


"I'm Chibs," he says

"Tala, which with the announcement my hubby made you know that" I replied

He nodded his head before offering his hand for me to shake.I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you" I replied

"ye as well."I smiled before letting his hand go before he takes his leave. After that Happy told me who was who and who was with who. Once that was done I looked at him.

"How bout now?"

"give me a quick minute to speak with my prez then I'll give it to you."I nodded my head as he kissed my lips and walked off to the guy he called Clay that was the Prez.

"Since I wasn't in here for the introduction I'll do so now."

I turned and looked at a guy that looked as if he enjoys baking things. and no that's not a weight dis or anything.

"HI I'm Tala," I say

"I'm Bobby," he says

"Nice to meet you" I say offering my hand

"you as well," he says shaking my hand

"Congratulations by the way" he says

"thank you," I replied

He smiled and walked off. stoping next to Happy as the exchange a few words then he pats Happy on his shoulder and continues on while Happy makes his way over to me.

"I'm free for a bit so lets go give you your Killa juice.

"Her what?" some person asked

"none of your business prospect. fuck off" Happy replied 

the guy scampered off in fright while Happy and I headed back to the room where he gave me plenty of my Killa juice.

I laid facing him and licking my lips.

"So yummy baby boy" I commented 

"When can I have my Slayer juice?" he asked

I smiled and turned to lay on my back and opened my legs.

"Whenever you want baby. fair warning I may squirt since you fucked me sensitive" I tell him

He moves down and gets right to suck and slurping my pussy.

I grab his hands and grip them as he makes love to my pussy with his talented mouth.

"Bite me Papi" I pleaded

When he did I squirted and climaxed all at once. Which he happily drank and licked up.

"Hmmmmm.. yes Papi. give me more I want it."

He looked at me as I hummed and wiggled.

The feeling of his teeth grazing my pink lips and clit was enough to make me cum again.

The way his mouth pleasures my pussy driving me insane. 

When he finishes feasting on my pussy he moves uplifted our hands and settles right between my legs pushing his tip inside me till he's nestled deeply.

I opened my eyes and look up at him before I lift my head seeking his mouth which he leans down as he slowly starts moving within me and kissing me.

"I can never get enough of you baby."

"And I can't get enough of you Papi or my Killa juice."

He smiled and kisses me more as I angle my hips allowing him to slip into me deeper.

We spent the majority of our time making love and holding each other till one of the guys comes to tell him Church.

So with one last kiss, he slips outta of me gets dressed, and walks out while I got and clean up then follows suit shortly after.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now