Rescuing Abel ( made into a story)

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I was messing around my boat about to take it for a spin when I hear running. I look over and see a bunch of guys running to the edge of the dock before one drops down crying. 

When I look out towards the water I see someone on a jet ski.

So thinking that something is wrong I start up my boat and ran it towards the person.

Once I get closer I notice a crying baby.

my instincts kicked in and I pull up beside the guy.

"Stop right now," I tell him

"get lost" he says

I say it three more times. 

I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him.

"Stop right now and give me that baby or I'll shoot you" I warned

He slowed the jet ski down and I do the same with my boat.

"Now hand me that baby," I tell him.

Once I have the baby safely in my arms I carefully place him in the small compartment. and I grab my cuffs before I grab the guy and cuff him while keeping the gun on him.

"you made a mistake, I was saving that baby" the guy tries.

"yea, right." I say as I hook the jet ski to my boat.

"His father is dangerous." he tries

"if you don't shut it I'll gag you"I warned

he went to say something so I stuffed a balled up sock in his mouth taped it then I tied him up before I picked up the baby and checked him over then turned my boat around and headed back for the docks.

Once I reached it the guys that was there took the dude I had tied up and carried him off while the man that was crying walked over to me as I turned my boat off and tyed my boat to the dock before carefully climbing out.

"I believe this little guy is yours" I say to the dude with his hat on backwards.

"He's my son" he tells me as he walks up closer to me

I carefully place the little boy in his arms.

"he's not hurt or anything. I checked him over" I assure him.

"why did you do it?" an older guy asked

I looked over at him.

"I use to be a maritime constable and I've had my fair share of people using this water to kidnap kids and babies. so when I heard you all running then seen this gentleman drop down crying I looked towards the guy who took off and my instincts kicked in and I went with it." I answered

"you saved my son's life, I don't know how to ever repay you" the blonde hair guy says

" you owe me nothing. I'm just glad I was at the right place at the right time" I replied

he looked from his son and up at me.

"I wanna repay you" he says

I shook my head.

"No need. I'm just happy he's safe, and that guy will be dealt with." I say

"Oh he will trust me he will" the older dude says

"don't need to know or want to know how." I assured them

"Thank you again" blonde says


Blode and the others turn and walk off while I handle the jet ski giving it back to the owner that approached me after they had left.

"thank you for bring this back" they tell me

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now