Easing cramps

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periods are a b*tch in a half. I mean honestly cant mother nature pop up like a gift or something and be like here you go girly you didn't get pregnant, here's some treats for you. and have the certains you like in a basket. 

but no she's being evil with the bloating, the fcked up emotions, the cramps that hurt like a mother freaker. and the pool of blood that we either have to use a tampon or pad to catch in order not to ruin our panties or bleed every where.

I've taken pain meds for my cramping which was a waste of time. I've used heating pad which helps some. I've done just about everything to help with the cramps. but nothing fulyl helped.

Not even Happy tending to me and rubbing my stomach.

I know that there is one way that might work fully and not half way and that's sex. but how would I approach my hubby on having bloody sex. 

I know he's the killa of Samcro and Tacoma but this isn't killing anyone just screwing.

I sighed which drew Happy's attention from the cartoons to me.

"what's wrong?"

"these damn cramps."

"Is there other ways than what you've tried and I've done that helps?" 

I bit my lip in debate which he noticed.

"alright spill."

"Well I know of one that I've heard works and I've read that it is perfect to go about easing the cramps" I started

he says nothing as he waits for me to continue.

"I know you get messy with being the practivcall slayer for the sons like you did in Tacoma. "


"But this isn't killing anyone."

"you want to have sex ?"

I looked away from him and nodded thankfully that my hair fell to cover my face at that moment.

But Happy wasn't having none of that. he pushed my hair back and turned my face to look at him.

"I asked you a question."

"Yes Happy I do, I want it cause having orgasms help with period cramps."

"was that so hard to say?"

"I didn't wanna gross you out by asking for you to get your dick bloody with my period blood."

He says nothing just shuts the tv off stands up and scoops me up into his arms and carried me off flicking the licks as he went.

"if we do this I needs to be somewhere that Blood is easy to clean up. so the bed unless over a towel is outta the question."

"We've got plenty of towels so its gonna happen in bed.

after he sat me on the bed he stripped down and started messign with different things.

"get undressed."

I stand up and strip very fast keeping my panties on since he don't need to be seeing that mess.

"all of it."

I shook my head

"why, I've seen it before only when I took your virginity."

"this is much worse."

he sighed and placed the towel on the bed before handing me the trash can as he placed a pad near by with a pair of panties.

"want me to close my eyes?"

I sucked it up and shook my head.

"just don't freak out ok."

He just gave me a looked like really.

I stripped out of my panties tossed the messy pad and laid on the towel closing my legs.

"it be different if I ate you out."

"your making it gross."

he only laughed as he joined me in bed and started trailing kisses all over my body.

"dark blood means its old blood that hadn't made its way out."

he nods his head as he moved between my legs rubbing my thighs.

" Ready?"

I closed my eyes for a brief minute before reopening them and nodding.

He slowly slips into me and moans.

I grabbed his back and moan as the feeling of him filling me up washes over my body.

starting off slow he allows me to get used to this whole process before I press the padding of my fingers into his back telling him to pick up the pace.

 without fail he starts pounding into me making me moan as I claw and grip on top of him with every thrust and pull.

I was a withering whimpering mess by the time I had reached my fourth going on fifth release.

he was taking care of my body so well I could cry.

My body bowed upwards as I cling dinging my nails into his back as my fifth orgasm crash through me making me gasp and moan. 

"Fucking hell that felt so damn good" I panted feeling him release inside me.

"and here you were freaking out."

I looked at him with a slight glare which made him chuckle before he leaned down and kissed me as I eased up on my hold.

I pulled him down to me and kissed him with so much passion that I hope he knew it was a thank you and I love you all in one.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now