Why do you have my kids

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I was sitting there playing with Thomas while Able was next to me making plan sounds.

"Who the fuck are you and why do you have my sons?" 

I jumped from the voice and turn to see a gun pointed at my face.  Raise my hand up since Thomas was in my other hand.

"Daddy, she is our neighbor," Abel tells him

"we don't know her bud," Jax says

"but she's pretty and she protects people" he explains

" I asked you a question?" the blonde gentle says ignoring what his son told him

"I'm your neighbor who is a retired and honorably discharged cop as well as a soldier. your nanny was in a hurry so she came over and asked me to watch your boys. I told her it would be no problem since she seemed to be in a rush." I explained

He pulled his gun back putting it behind his back and I dropped my hand.

"how many times has this happened?"

"This would be the fifth" I replied

He nods his head and took Thomas from me.

"Come on Abel time to go," he tells his son as he holds his hand out.

"I'll see you around guys," I say

"no you won't" Jax says

I sighed and nodded

"well then so long guys," I say before waving them off.

Abel looks back at me and sadly waves.

"bye," he says

Thomas waves from Jax's shoulder.

After collecting up the toys I headed inside and put them away. before I headed up to my room and get cleaned up.

I knew all about the Sons. I knew who was who and I knew about Jax.  Not that I stalked him, it's just I've dealt with his case before so I knew all there was to know.

I understood why he drew his gun since Abel was kidnapped when he was a baby. and I understand the protection of a parent since I'm soon to be one myself and I will do everything in my power to protect my unborn baby.

So lost in thought I didn't realize that It was nighttime, nor did I realize that I had a visitor. Till I heard the loud knocking. 

I placed my book down and grabbed my gun before heading toward the front door. After I took the safety off I opened the door and pointed my gun in Jax's face.

"Ok, I deserve that one. I am sorry for drawing my gun on you" he says holding his hands up.

"What do you want Mr.Teller?"

he looked at me confused

"How do you know who I am?"

"I've handled a case on you, but you never met me" I replied

he nodded his head

"I asked you a question," I said the same thing he previously said to me.

"I came to say I am sorry and to thank you for taking care of my boys. the nanny up and quit saying she had to leave town due to personal matters."

I pulled my gun back and put the safety back on.

"well thank you for coming to apologize," I say

"That's not all," he says

"what more can I do for you?"

"My boys love you. I mean when I took them home they started crying. my son Abel asked why was I being mean to the nice lady and how come I took them away from her. " he explains

I smiled just thinking of Abel saying something like that.

"I was wanting to know if you have nothing else to do would you mind watching them from now on?"

"Sure, it's much-needed practice and they are perfect darlings that I've gotten so attached to" I answered

His confused expression made me laugh.

"you can't tell I'm expecting or did you think I'm just fat?"

he looked down at my stomach then back at me.

"I wasn't paying attention to your stomach honestly"

"what my tits or my eyes?"

"eyes then tits."

I hummed

"Well, I can't feel bad then I was checking your ass out when you were walking away."

he chuckled

"I better get back. I am sorry again. and thank you so much. by the way congratulations" he says I he walks off

"thank you" I called after him

shaking my head I close and lock my door before taking my gun and laying it on the table as I go back to my book.

S.O.A Imagine (completed) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now