Excuse me (made into a story)

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I walked into the Clubhouse where the Sons were having a party like aways.

I walked over and greeted Gemma before I headed to the bar to get some shots down.

the party went from barely starting to full blown crazy.

I was laughing and cutting up with some of the guys when I heard 

"Whoes the bitch?"

I placed my drink down and looked at the bald headed guy

"Excuse me?" 

"I didn't stutter" he replied

I stood up and got in his face

"No but I must had heard you wrong or you better had been talking about some crow eater" I said

"Or what?" he asked

"I'm not someone to fuck with dude, so either apologize or we take this shit to the ring" I say

he laughed and I got pissed.

"It seems like you are the only one that finds my words funny"

"I don't know who the hell you are apart from a crow eating bitch" he says

with that I decked him so hard he dropped I straddled him and grabbed his shirt.

"listen up jack ass. you fucking call me a bitch one more mother fucking time I'll chop your fucking percker off and hand it to the closest crow eater if not shove it down your throat so you can choke." 

he looked at me pissed and shoved me off before he went to straddle me but I kicked him in the gut and jumped up and tackled him throw the crowd of ppl right into the wall hard.

he grabbed the back of my shirt and ripped it. I upper cutted him before he landed a blow so I head butted him.

We went at it for a while till I was pulled away as was he.

"your dead bitch" he said

"I'm not afraid of your fucking ass" I replied

"Enough of this shit." Clay says

"she fucking attacked me" Happy said

"Yea I'd had kicked your ass had Opie not pulled me back" I said

he went to lung at me but one of the guys hit him.

"the fuck is your issue hitting a woman. we don't do that fucking shit" Opie says

"I don't let any fucker lay their hands on me woman or man" he says

"well she's not just any fucker. and she sure as shit ain't a crow eater or a bitch like you claimed her to be" Clay says

"then why is she here?" he asked

"She's how you get paid" Jax says

He looked from Jax to me.

"How?" he asked

"Dont fuckin worry about it." I say still pissed and wanting blood

"Calm done darling before you injure Opie" Gemma says

"I'd never hurt any one these boys who mean so much to mean. if I do its not intentional I just want bald's blood for calling me a bitch" I replied

"he's doing more then bleeding lass" Chibs says

"not enough" I replied

Opi turns me around and has me look at him.

"Please calm down, I know your still pissed at him. and you have the right, we all told everyone about you and how you don't like being called bitch. that you'd give warning before attacking. he learned his lesson now. please calm down before you wind up in St.Thomas" he says

I sighed and nodded my head before look at his arms.

"I won't attack him. I just need Chibs to check my injuries " I tell him

He nods his head and lets me go.

"Come lass" Chibs says

I walked over and he takes me over to the chapel and checks me over.


A/N: story called fighter

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