Meeting Abel

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Things between Jax and I went from long term friendship to lovers, to dating, to being engaged.

While we were in the dating stage of our relationship he had gotten a crow eater knocked up. 

I dealt with his ass over that and he suffered from his cheating ways. 

when he had found out that Wendy was knocked up with his kid he took care of her, what time she was allowing him to handle the bills and other things that she'd feed during her pregnancy.


After Abel was born Wendy signed all forms of rights over to me then she od.  I never go to fully meet Abel while he was in the hospital cause they didn't believe me when I told them I was his mom after his birth mom signed her rights over to me.

After Jax raised hell about them not letting me see Abel they told me that I could come and visit since he was out of the incubator or as the guys call it toaster.

the very first time I laid eyes on Abel I fell in love. and I made a silent vow to guard and protect him with my life.


I walked into the room and picked him up being very careful and I sat in the chair and held him close.

"I promise you Abel that I will protect you as will your daddy. that together we will never allow any harm to come your way. if it does then the person who's at fault better run like the devil himself is after them cause daddy and I will be on their tail chasing them till they are caught and we show them what huge mistake they make when they harmed you." I promised him.

"guns and all" Jax says

I lifted my head up and looked at him.

"I'm in love with him. it really was love at first sight" I tell Jax

"it's cause he looks like me" he teased

"Nah, this baby is more handsome than you" I joked

he looked at me shocked.


"Not sorry" I laughed

"I'll get you for that," he says

"our handsome baby boy," I say

He walked over and stood me up before he sat down and held me in his lap as we both looked at our son.

"I know I didn't have him but he will never question my love for him," I tell Jax

"you're gonna be a much better mother to him than Wendy when she was carrying him" Jax assured me

"no doubt about that" I replied


When Abel was allowed to come home that's the night Jax proposed to me by having Abel hold the ring.

when I walked into the room I saw Jax was up to something as he whispered to Abel before he stood up straight and looked at me.

"What are you up to Teller?"

"Nothing, but Abel has a gift for you" he replied

I walked over and she the ring on Abel's fingers.

"Are you..." I trailed off 

"I want you as my wife since you're already my son's mother," Jax tells me

I teared up as I looked from Abel to Jax and nodded my head

"Yes, I'll be your wife" I answered

Jax carefully removed the ring from Abel's little fingers and slipped it on my finger before grabbing my face and kissing me.

I smiled and rested my head against his before I pulled back and leaned down giving Abel a kiss.

"thank you for my gift baby boy" I whispered as he started dozing off.

together Jax and I walked out of the nursery and went to share the news with the others that stayed behind after the little welcome home Party.

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