A'm huvin yer bairn ( Chibs)

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Today is the day that Chibs is coming home from his week long run. for a big majority of him being gone I have been sick so yesterday I went to see what was the cause of the sickness. 

Once they ran tests and blood work they found out I was pregnant. I really couldn't wait to share the news with Chibs. 

I after getting a scan appointment scheduled I headed to the little baby store and purchased a onesie before I headed home and rested up a bit then headed over to spend time with Gemma and some of the other Old ladies.

"Tomorrow we will have a party at my place it will be the guys, us ol ladies and some croweaters," she says as I hugged her good night.

So here I am with the little onesie perfectly hidden till Chibs arrives and I decided to show him it.

We all greeted the guys giving our men special greetings.

I had spent a lot of time helping Gemma cook and get everything together and I just hope things don't go to shit or any fighting occurs.

Gemma had the crow eaters clean the table and the kitchen while the rest of us headed to the living room.

I excused myself going to the "bathroom" but instead grabbed the Onesie.

I Had it tucked under my shirt so no one could see it as I took a seat on Chibs' lap. He held me close wrapping his arms around me.

I leaned back till I was at his ear.

"Tha mi a 'faighinn do phàisde" I whispered before I grabbed and handed the onesie to him.

He looked at me still in shock from me telling him I'm having his baby.

"Born to ride with daddy" I whispered what it says to him.

He drops the onesie and kisses me before pulling back and grabbing the onesie looking at it again before sponsors the biggest grin I'd ever seen on him.

"what's got you grinning man?" Tig asked

"she carrying my bairn," Chibs says

Gemam and some of the other ol ladies gasp before they start smiling.

"well congratulations brother" Opie says

"Ta" Chib says as he turns hands the onesie around letting everyone see it while he turns me so I'm sitting sideways on his lap and cups my face then kisses me.

"Ye made me a very happy man," he says

I smiled and peck his lips multiple times.

"When did you find out?" Jax asked

"well the whole time Chibs and you all were off on your run I was sick so I scheduled a doctor's appointment to find out what was going on. they ran tests and told me yesterday I was pregnant." I replied

"How come didnae ye tell me ye wur sick?" Chibs asked

"I was letting you do your job and not worry about me," I tell him

"Ah always worry aboot ye loue ."

"I know you do."

he brushed his thumb along my cheek. as he smiled as I covered his scars with kisses before someone handed the onesie back.

"Congratulations you two." Gemma says

The others nod in agreement before saying their congratulations.


Tha mi a 'faighinn do phàisde - I'm having your baby

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