I'm having your baby ( Happy)

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I was always told by doctors that I couldn't have a baby. which is what I told Happy cause I wasn't gonna keep that a secret and him possibly wanting to have kids. 

But I've proven doctors wrong. I'm carrying mine and Happy's baby and I am thrilled about it.

I found out a few days ago about it but couldn't tell Happy since he had to do a run out town and was supposed to be back today. 

So with the scan picture and a onesie I head over to T-M lot where I see my man's bike so I park and walk over and slip the two items into his saddle bag.

"Hey baby girl" he greets walking over to me right after I sit on his bike.

"Hi papi" I greet 

"what are you doing?"

"I may or may not have left you a gift or surprise in your saddle bag." I answered

"which side?"

I pointed behind me. 

He walks over and opens the saddle bag up while I stand and watch him.

"Hello Daddy can't wait to meet you" he reads the onesie.

"are you serious?"

"look at the other gift."

He reaches back in and grabs the scan photo and looks at it.

"I'm proven those lying doctors wrong, baby." I tell him

He smiled as he sits the onesie and scan on the seat before he walks over and lifts me up his arms and kisses me.

"I am so glad we are having a baby. I've always wanted to have a family with you, and now that we are I can't wait to experience everything by your side."

I agreed with him before kissing him again as he sits me back down grabs the surprise gifts and heads towards the garage with me in tow. 

"mom" Happy says gaining Gemma's attention as she stood with Chibs, Opie, and Tigs in the garage as well as Clay.

"Yea baby?" Gemma greets

"I have some exciting news. well, we do" he says dropping my hand and wrapping his arm around me.

"what is it?" she asked

He says nothing just hands the onesie and scan picture over to her. she takes it and reads the onesie before looking at the scan.

"Oh my gosh congratulations." she says

"what is it?" Clay asked

"We are having a baby" I  announce

They all erupt in cheer before growing around Gemma to look at the onesie and scan before they come over and congratulate us.

"This calls for a round of drinks," Opie says

"Yea" the others agree

Gemma hands the scan and Onesie back over as we follow the guys out of the garage and into the clubhouse.

"I bet you're proud to be proving those jackasses wrong huh?" Gemma asked as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I'm proud, glad, and very excited to be able to give happy someone that's a part of us and a start of a family." 

She kissed my cheek before she went over to where Happy and the others were drinking in celebration.

When Jax showed up with Juice they looked at the guys in question.

"Come join the celebration," Tig says

"Of what?" Juice asked

"me being a dad" Happy replied

They both hugged me and kissed my cheek congratulating me before walking over to join the guys.

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